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Processed  foods  have  been  noted  to  be  generally,  high  in  sodium  but,  low  in potassium. Some  of these foods such as snacks often provide a quick bite at work and school and often do not provide the needed nutrients such as calcium and iron needed in  adequate  quantities.   The  food  categories   sampled   were   biscuits,   sausages, cakes/pastries   and   breakfast   cereals.   Sodium,   potassium,    calcium   and   iron concentrations were determined within and across the above named food categories. The various foods sampled (biscuit, sausage, cake/pastries and breakfast cereals) had varying  concentrations  of  sodium,  potassium,  calcium  and  iron.    Mean  sodium contents  obtained  by  flame photometry  were,  258.14±30.46  mg/100g  for biscuits, 260.42± 34.41 mg/100g for sausage, 263.57±32.63  mg/100g for cakes/pastries  and 265.82±35.12  mg/100g  for breakfast  cereals.  The mean sodium  content  of  biscuit 258.14±30.46 mg/100g was close to the target set by United Kingdom Food Standard Agency (UKFSA) (270-450mg/100g) but, lower than the value of 629mg/100g set by the  National  Agency  for  Food  and  Drug  Administration  and  Control(NAFDAC). Sodium level in cake (303.03±21.69 mg/100g) was within the reference range set by UKFSA (200-400mg/100g); and was quite close to the standard set by NAFDAC (300 mg/100g). The average sodium content across food samples ranged from 231.47±5.02 mg/100g (biscuit) to 312.50±8.19 mg/100g (breakfast cereals). From the values, the consumption of 100g of  biscuit, sausage, cake/pastries and breakfast cereals would contribute 10.76,  10.85, 10.99 and 11.09% respectively  to the recommended  daily intake  (RDI)  of  sodium.  The  mean  potassium  concentrations  were  136.51±21.06 mg/100g for biscuits, 130.11±9.71 mg/100g for sausage, 155.91±15.44 mg/100g for cakes/pastries  and  157.62±29.55  mg/100g  for  breakfast  cereals.These  contributed 3.89% for biscuit, 3.71% for sausage, 4.45% for cake/pastries and 4.54% for breakfast cereals to the recommended potassium intake. The mean iron contents were1.59±0.41 mg/100g  for  biscuits,  2.46±1.10  mg/100g  for  sausage,   1.86±0.64  mg/100g  for cakes/pastries, and 1.89±1.04 mg/100g for breakfast cereals. Iron content ranged from 1.14 mg/100g for biscuitto 4.08 mg/100g for fortified breakfast cereals. Mean calcium concentrations were, 116.14±58.39 mg/100g (for biscuit), 112.67±32.22 mg/100g (for sausage),  89.78±25.32   mg/100g  (for  cake/pastries)   and   139.90±25.63   mg/100g (breakfast cereals). Calcium concentration varied widely across food samples, ranging from 42 mg/100g (biscuit) to 402 mg/100g (fortified breakfast cereals). The calcium content of biscuit showed a significant difference  (p<0.05), ranging from 42±2.0 to 222.67±1.76  mg/100g,  while  that  of  breakfast  cereals  varied  from  43±3.46  to 402±2.0mg/100g



Sodium occurs naturally in almost all foods including processed  foods, and,  is essential  for  normal  human  functioning;  however,  its  current  intake  far  exceeds recommendations for good health (Brown et al., 2009). This has become a common occurrence  around the world (Elliot, 2007). Excess sodium  consumption  is now a major public health concern worldwide (Institute of Medicine, 2010) and,  has been linked  to numerous  adverse  health conditions  like hypertension,  which is a major cause of cardiovascular  diseases  (Turnbull,  2003;   Dickinson  and  Havas9, 2007), gastric cancer (Tsugane9et al., 2004), decreased bone mineral density (Devine et al., 1995) and possibly obesity (He and MacGregor,  2008). It has been estimated  that

62% of stroke and 49% of coronary heart disease is caused by high blood pressure (He  and  MacGregor,  2010),  which rises  with age  (Havaset  al.,  2004).   In recent decades, with increasing consumption of many different processed foods containing high levels of sodium (Mattes and Donnely, 1991), the perception of dietary salt has evolved to a point where it is now considered a potential health threat. In 2003, as a result of the high sodium intakes around the world, the World Health Organization( WHO) recommended a worldwide intake target of less than 5grammesof salt (or 2000 mg sodium) per day per person (World Health Organization, 2003).

Modern diet contains a high proportion of processed foods with high levels of sodium, which is inherently appealing to humans (Mattes, 1997). As seen in many developed countries, a new pattern of food intake which favours the consumption of processed foods and snacks is emerging in Nigeriadue, to the  convenience of these processed foods that often encourages unhealthy eating patterns (Monteiro, 2009). This change in life style may be attributed to busy work schedule which makes dependence on these convenience foods to be on the increase. Most processed breakfast cereals have been  modified  in  flavours  and  forms,  thereby  making  them  more  appealing  to consumers (Truswell and Brand, 1985), thus, helping manufacturers to increase sales in a highly competitive  market. Also, most people have strong preference for snacks like  cake,  biscuit  and  the  wholesomeness  of  these  snacks  are  not  important  in determining their food choice,since  they do not provide overall intake of  nutrients (Buthrieet al., 2002).Due to the health risks associated with excessive consumption of sodium, health agencies estimated that reducing its levels in processed and restaurant food by 50% would save 150,000 lives (Havaset al., 2004). Historically hominid diets contained  high potassium  and low sodium  concentrations  due to a diet consisting

largely of fruits, vegetables and whole grains (Cordainet al., 2005). The consumption of excess sodium and insufficient potassium intake that is associated with a typical modern diet has been linked to several health effects. High intake of sodium and the low intakes of potassium has been shown to   produce and maintain elevated blood pressure in a big proportion of the population (Krishna, 1990; Karppanenet al., 2005).

Processed  foods can be deliberately fortified with micronutrients  like iron and

calcium,  to  increase  intake  of  these  nutrients.  This  could  reduce  micronutrient deficiency and associated health conditions (Darnton-Hill and Nalubola, 2002). Low iron intake is associated  with anaemia (Nielson and  Nachtigall,  1998), while, low calcium consumption increases the risk of bone problems like osteoporosis (Heaney,

2006) and elevated blood pressure.  Increase in dietary sodium intake has a potential to influence bone loss by increasing loss of calcium. High intake of calcium has been shown to reduce systolic and diastolic blood pressure (Griffith et al., 1999).

WHO, as part of its Global Strategy on diet, physical activity and health, organized a forum and technical meeting in 2006 to review and discuss the link between high salt consumption and health, various initiatives to reduce population-wide salt intake and the  cost  and  effectiveness  of  these  programs.  Several  countries  have  developed strategies for significantly reducing the  sodium chloride content of many processed foods (Cobcroftet al., 2008).

Based on the realization that processed foods are major contributors to the daily sodium intake, reducing the sodium content of   processed foods has therefore been recognized as a feasible and more effective strategy for reducing daily salt intake than simply reducing the amount of salt added during cooking  or on the table (WHO,

2007). Unfortunately,  consumers are often unaware of the salt content of some  of these processed foods that they consume regularly (Nwanguma and Okorie,  2013). This so called ‘hidden salt’ has been reported to contribute up to 95%  of  the salt intake  of  some  people,  especially  in countries  where  processed  foods are widely consumed (Anderson et al., 2010).   An international organization of experts on the health effects of salt WASH (World Action on Salt and Health) publicized the adverse effects of sodium  chloride  on health and  work with governments  and industry to reduce salt concentration in processed  foods, catered foods and restaurant food, as well  as  salt  added  during  cooking,  and  at  the  table.  Achieving  population  wide reductions  in salt intake  is  therefore,  an important  public  health priority in many countries  (Webster  et  al.,  2011).  Numerous  health organizations  and  Government

agencies have recommended a substantial reduction in sodium levels that would allow for manufacturers  to reformulate  foods and for consumers to adapt their  tastes to lower sodium. The research was aimed at surveying sodium, potassium, calcium and iron content of selected retail samples of processed foods available in Nsukka, Enugu State  South Eastern  Nigeria,  namely breakfast  cereals,  biscuits,  cakes,  meat  pies, doughnut and sausage.

1.1   Processed foods

Food processing is the set of methods and techniques used to transform raw ingredients  into  food,  or  to  transform  food  into  other  forms  for  consumption (Monteiro and Levy, 2010). Food processing can create products that require little or no preparation on the part of consumers (Brunner et al., 2010). It produces attractive, marketable and often long shelf-life food products. Methods used for food processing are canning, freezing, dehydration, aseptic processes (Monteiro and Levy, 2010).

Processed foods are foods that have been altered from their natural state for safety reasons or for convenience.   They are designed  to be less perishable,  more durable and more portable than prepared foods and, often contain substantial amounts of sweeteners,  preservatives  and appealing  ingredients  such as  chocolates,  peanuts and specially designed flavours (such as flavoured potato chips) (Street Foods, 2006). Processed foods are major contributors to population dietary salt intake (i.e. the total number of sodium intake from all sources  including sodium chloride, monosodium glutamate or any other sodium containing preservatives or additives.   They account for more than three-quarters of all sodium consumed as shown in fig.1 (Mattes, 1997; FSANZ, 2007). The reduction of salt (sodium) in processed foods is therefore a major challenge for health authorities across the globe and in many cases the challenge is currently being set to the food industry to change formulations and, reduce dietary sodium   consumption   thereby   reducing   hypertension   and   associated   risks   on cardiovascular disease (Webster et al., 2010; Xing, 2012).

1.1.2    Reasons why processed foods contain salt

The utility of sodium has made it a crucial ingredient for many  processed foods.  Sodium  improves  the  sensory properties  of  foods,  by  increasing  saltiness, decreasing bitterness, and increasing sweetness and other  congruent flavour effects (Keast and Breslin, 2003).  Salt is added to processed foods for the following reasons:

1.   Sodium chloride (salt) can prevent the development of food-borne pathogens.

It reduces water activity in foods thereby acting as a critical hurdle to control growth of pathogens and spoilage  organism  (Delahunty  and  Piggott, 1995; Hutton,  2002).Because  food  manufacturers  and  producers  often  want  to prolong  the  shelf  life  of  their  products,  the  amount  of  sodium  in  many processed foods is increased to certain levels.

2.   Sodium  helps  bind  ingredients  and  enhances  the  colour  of  the  food.In breakfast  cereals,it  plays a key flavour-blending  role, added at  about 1.25-

1.75% by weight.

3.   Salt improves taste flavour enhancement and  aids in stabilization.( Lynch et al., 2009; Taormina, 2010)

4.   Salt is also responsible  for fermentation  control and texture in  yeast-raised breads.

5.   Salt plays a part in fat emulsification,  thus diminishing  the loss of fat  and water during cooking in products such as sausages.

6.   In most baked goods like biscuits, salt is used to improve product taste and flavour. Without salt, many baked goods will have an insipid taste.  Salt not only sustains  the “life”  of the food but  also, provides  a more  economical approach to most companies. Thus, if the food is more processed, it is likely

that the sodium content is higher. Some of the most popular leavening agents contain sodium, including baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) accounting for 95 percent of the sodium in these products.

7.   Salt has been found to improve the perception of product thickness, enhance sweetness, mask metallic or chemical off-notes, and round out overall flavour while improving flavour intensity (Gillette, 1985).

8.   Various  sodium-containing   ingredients   have  been  known  to  reduce   the bitterness   of   certain   compounds   found   in   foods,   including   quinine hydrochloride,  caffeine, magnesium sulfate, and potassium  chloride (Breslin and Beauchamp, 1995)

1.2   Snacks

Snacks are quick foods, oftentimes smaller than that of a regular meal, usually derived from one or more basic food items, and are eaten between meals. They give a feeling  of  satiety.  Snacks  come  in  a  variety  of  forms  including  packaged  and processed  foods  and  items  made  from  fresh  ingredients  at  home.  They  can  be processed  from food group origin such as cereals, pulses,  starchy fruits, roots and tubers, beef, dairy and poultry (Okoruwa, 1997). Processed snack foods are designed to be less perishable, more durable, and more portable than prepared foods and they often  contain  substantial   amounts   of   sweeteners,   preservatives,   and  appealing ingredients.  They constitute  a major  meal for a handful  of indigenes  due to their availability,  affordability  and  accessibility  (Draper,  1996).  Commonly  consumed snacks in Nigeria include  baked products (biscuits, cake, hamburger, meat pie and sausage  rolls),  fried   and  roasted  snacks  (cashew  nut,  doughnuts,  peanuts  and popcorn), and nuts. Snack food are patronized in leaps and bounds by individuals to satisfy  their  hunger  pangs  or  as  refreshments  without  giving  cognizance  to  the preparation and packaging methods or nutritional contents in most cases.

1.3       Breakfast cereals

Breakfast cereals are foods made from processed grains and are often eaten with the first meal of the day. It is often eaten cold, usually mixed with  milk (e.g. cow’s milk, so y milk,  rice milk,  almond milk), juice, water, or yogurt, and sometimes  fruit, but may be eaten dry. They are good sources of  micronutrients (Bonner et al., 1999). Fortified breakfast cereals are of great importance (McNulty et al., 1994) since they contribute significantly to iron and calcium intakes (McNulty et al., 1996). They can be categorized into, traditional (hot) cereals and ready-to-eat (cold) cereals.Traditional (hot)  cereals  require  further  cooking  or  heating  before  consumption  while,  cold cereals can be consumed from the box or with the addition of milk (Tribelhorn, 1991)

1.3.1   Traditional (hot) cereals

Traditional  (hot)  cereals  are  those  requiring  cooking  or  heating  prior  to consumption  and are made from oats, farina (wheat),  rice, and corn (Fast,  1990). Almost all (99 percent) of the traditional cereal market are products produced from oats (over 81 percent) and farina (approximately 18 percent). Cereals made from rice, corn (excluding corn grits), and wheat (other than farina) make up less than 1 percent of traditional cereals.

1.3.2   Ready-to-eat cereals

Ready-to-eat  breakfast cereals are processed grain formulations,  suitable  for human consumption without further cooking in the home. They are relatively shelf- stable, lightweight, and convenient to ship and store. They are made primarily from corn, wheat, oats, or rice, usually with added flavor and fortifying ingredients. These groups are flaked cereals, extruded flaked cereals, gun-puffed whole grains, extruded gun-puffed  cereals, oven-puffed  cereals, shredded  whole  grains, extruded  shredded cereals, and granola cereals (Fast, 1990).

1.4     Sodium

Sodium is an essential nutrient, the cation that performs a number of vital roles in  the  body  including,  regulating  extracellular  fluid  volume  and  plasma  volume, maintaining the volume of extracellular fluid, osmotic pressure, acid-base balance and transmission   of  nerves   impulses   (Geerling   and   Loewy,   2008).   It  determines membrane potential of cells,   participates in the active transport of some molecules across  cell membranes,  facilitates  absorption of nutrients  such as glucose  (sugar), amino acids (protein constituents)  and, is essential for  myriad biological processes

including fluid balance and muscle contraction (Webster et al., 2010). Sodium also occurs naturally in almost all foods and is present in processed foods due to the use of some food additives, for example, sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) used as a raising agent in cakes and biscuits.  Most of the sodium  in our food  comes from sodium chloride (table salt) which is the major dietary source of sodium and in western diets; starchy  foods  are  one  of the  major  dietary  contributors  (e.g.  breads,  snacks  and crisps). Sodium chloride is a commonly used food ingredient which provides many technological   functions  such  as   flavour  enhancement,   preservation  and  texture modification (Hutton, 2002).

High levels of dietary sodium have however, been linked to health conditions such as hypertension. World Health Organization (WHO) recommendations indicate that, in order to prevent chronic diseases, an adult upper daily limit intake of sodium should be less than 87 mmol Na/day (<5 g NaCl/day) (WHO, 2007). The National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences recommends even less, 1,200 to 1,500 mg of sodium each day for adults (Institute of Medicine, 2010). However, leading scientific  organizations  and governmental  agencies  advise limiting  sodium intake to 2400 mg or less daily (Dickinson and Havas, 2007).

1.4.1 Sources of sodium

Sodium  is also  found  in many  other  ingredients  used  in food  processing. Examples of sodium-containing ingredients and their uses in foods as shown in table

Compounds                                                  Uses

Baking powder                                            leavening agent Baking soda                                                 leavening agent Monosodium glutamate                              flavour enhancer

Sodium benzoate                                         preservative

Sodium caseinate                                        thickener and binder

Sodium citrate                                             control  acidity  in  soft  drinks  and  fruit drinks

Sodium nitrite                                             curing  agent  in  meat,  provides   color, prevents botulism (a food poisoning)

Sodium propionate                                      mold  inhibitor  (inhibits  molds  in  bread and cake)

Sodium phosphate                                       emulsifier, stabilizer, buffer

Sodium saccharin                                        artificial sweetener

Disodium phosphates                                  quick    cook    cereals    and     processed cheeses

Sodium alginate                                                Used  inchocolate  milk  and  ice  cream;

holds chocolate in suspension

Table  1:  sodium  containing  ingredients  and  their  uses  (Institute  of

Medicine, 2012)

1.4.2      Sodium guidelines or acceptable nutrient claims of sodium by Food and

Drugs Administration (FDA).

Terms                                                          Sodium amount

Sodium – free                                              less than 5mg per serving Very low sodium                                         35mg or less per serving Low sodium                                                140mg or less per serving Medium sodium                                          ≥200<500mg per serving High sodium                                                >500mg per serving

Table 2: sodium guidelines by FDA (Food Facts, 2014).

1.5   Calcium

Calcium  helps build  strong  bones  and  teeth,  regulates  muscle  contraction, including the heartbeat and makes sure blood clots normally (Heaney and Weaver,

1990). Most highsodium  foods increases the risk of calcium loss(Ho et al.,  2001). Concerns regarding bone health and sodium intake stem from the observation that a high salt intake is associated with increased urinary calcium  excretion. It has been estimated that urinary calcium levels increase by approximately 1mmol per 100 mmol sodium  intake  (Nordinet  al., 1993).Cutting  back or eliminating  these  high-sodium processed foods therefore, is a great way to lower calcium excretion and risk of bone problems (Devine et al., 1995), hence, marginal deficiency of calcium may play a role in stimulating human salt intake  (Tordoff, 1992). This suggest that one strategy to reduce  salt  liking  and,  perhaps  intake  would  be  to  encourage  increased  calcium consumption, which is already strongly recommended for bone health (HHS, 2000). By encouraging  milk consumption,  breakfast  cereals are also an excellent  way of helping to  ensure adequate calcium intake in both children and adults.Research has indicated that calcium intake at the recommended level (1,000-1,200 mg/day) (Ma et al., 2007), may be helpful in preventing and treating moderate hypertension(Miller et al.,  2000).Recommendations   however,  vary  for   different   stages  of  growth  and reproduction (COMA, 1991).

1.6   Iron

Iron is an essential  mineral  that  plays  important  roles  in the body(Boldt,  1999 ; Conrad et al., 1999).   The majority of functional iron within the body is present in haem proteins, such as haemoglobin, myoglobin and cytochromes, which are involved in oxygen  transport  or mitochondrial  electron  transfer.  Many other  enzymes  also contain  or  require  iron  for  their  biological  function(Lieu  et  al.,  2001).  Fortified breakfast cereals are an important source of iron in the diet, providing 20% of mean total iron intake. These fortifications have contributed to increased dietary iron intake and reductions in iron deficiency anaemia (Whittaker et al., 2001). Breakfast cereals fortified   with   vitamins   and   minerals   provide   at   least   17%   for   iron.   RDI (Recommended  Daily  Intake)  for iron is 10-15mg/day  however;  recommendations vary for different stages (COMA, 1991)

1.7   Potassium

Potassium is an essential dietary micronutrient responsible for smooth muscle contractility, fluid balance, neural signal transduction and cardiac function (Wardlaw and  Hampl,  2007).  Adequate  intake  for  the  prevention  of  chronic  disease  for potassium is 120 mM/day (4.6g) (WHO, 2003; Champagne, 2006). The increase in potassium intake makes it possible to reduce blood pressure. This phenomenon can be explained  by  potassium’s  capacity  to  increase  excretion  of  sodium  and  by  the vasoactive effects on blood vessels.

Potassium  is  present  in  many  foods  but  not  in  large  quantities.  The  best sources of potassium are fresh foods (fruits and vegetables) that have undergone little processing.  These diets are high in potassium  but low in  sodium  and hence,  can reduce the risk of hypertension  i.e., reduce blood  pressure  (Adrogué  and Madias,

2008). Some processed foods might contain potassium but food manufacturers tend to flavour  their  products  with  a  lot  of  sodium,  and,  don’t  balance  out  the  sodium additives with potassium additives.

The equilibrium between potassium (K+) and sodium (Na2+) is fundamental. Due

to  the  imbalance  between  sodium  and  potassium  intake  the  kidney  retains  more sodium and releases potassium. Too much sodium retained in the water in the body is thus stored  and it expands  the body fluids,  and this increases  blood  pressure  and affects the kidney and heart functions. Hence the more processed foods one eats the more sodium intake will exceed potassium intake.

1.7.1Sodium-potassium interactions

Through a mechanism known as the “sodium-potassium”  pump, as shown  in fig. 2, sodium and potassium work together closely to initiate muscle contraction and nerve transmission, and to maintain the body’s normal distribution of fluid (Debska et al.,  2001).  Sodium  potassium  pump  is  an  enzyme  based      mechanism  of  active transport driven by the energy generated by Na+,K+-ATPASE, by which sodium (Na+) is extruded from a cell and potassium (K+) is brought in, so as to maintain the low concentration of sodium and the high concentration of potassium within the cell with respect to the surrounding medium. Most of the potassium in the body is stored inside of  your  cells,  while  most of the  sodium  in  your  body is stored  in  the fluid  that surrounds the cells (He and Macgregor, 2001). During muscle contraction and nerve transmission,  potassium  leaves the  cell and sodium enters the cell via the “sodium-potassium pump.” (Sigworth, 2001).  This transfer causes a change in electrical charge within the cell, which initiates the muscle contraction or the nerve impulse.  Because sodium attracts  water, once the muscle contraction or nerve impulse is initiated, the sodium is immediately pumped out of the cell to prevent water from entering the cell and causing the cell to swell or burst, and potassium  is pumped  back into  the cell  (Sobey,  2001).   A high concentration  of intracellular potassium is necessary for vital processes such as protein biosynthesis, certain enzyme  activities, and  maintenance  of the membrane potential of excitable cells.

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