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The purpose of the study was to identify strategies that will enhance the accessibility and use of Information and Communication Technologies in Colleges of Education in Bayelsa state. To elicit the pertinent information for the purpose of the study, five research questions were asked on the strategies to facilitate improved funding for ICTs, management strategies that should be used to enhance accessibility and use of ICT tools and facilities, strategies that should be used to promote curriculum development and design, personnel development strategies that should be used in enhancing accessibility and use of ICT tools and facilities and partnership support strategies that should be used to enhance the use and access of ICT tools and facilities. Five null hypotheses were also formulated. A structured questionnaire was developed and used for collecting the study’s data. The questionnaire was face validated by three experts. The study’s data was collected from 450 respondents made up of staff and students in Colleges of Education in Bayelsa state. The data collected were analyzed using mean and standard deviation to answer the research questions and also using the SPSS. The five null hypotheses were tested with the t- test and ANOVA statistics at .05 level of significance. The study found that the problems of inadequate funding of ICT, poor management of ICT tools, poor curriculum development and design, lack of personnel in the handling the ICT tools and poor partnership support from NGOs and private sectors are cogent factors which this study investigated on. The researcher recommends that, the National Commission of Colleges of Education should as a matter of urgency provide ICT infrastructure to Colleges of Education in Bayelsa state, the NCCE should constantly  review  the  curriculum  of  ICT  to  include  in  addition  to  access  and  use  of  ICT packages, networking, Internet installation, Database management and so on, given the present low accessibility and use of ICT in Colleges of Education, the administration of Colleges of Education should encourage private sector funding of ICT tools and facilities by appealing to companies, private schools that are the direct beneficiaries of Colleges of Education to make donations to the Colleges of Education. The researcher also concludes that there is need to develop strategies that enhance the accessibility and use of ICT in administration and teaching/learning in Colleges of Education in Bayelsa state.



Background of the Study

Information has always played a very important part in human life. However, in the mid-

20th  century, the role of information increased immeasurably as a result of social progress and the vigorous developments in science and technology. Development is partly determined by the ability to establish a synergistic interaction between technological innovation and human values. The rapid rate at which ICTs have evolved since the mid-20th  century, the convergence and pervasiveness of ICTs give a strong role in development and globalization (Nwagwu, 2006). ICTs have a significant impact on all areas of human activity (Brake and Chisenga, 2003).

ICTs can create access to learning opportunities and improve the quality of teaching and learning and also deliver lifelong learning (Johnson and Aragon, 2003).As a result of this, the need has arisen for a scientific approach to information and for elucidation of its most characteristic properties which has led to changes in understanding the concept of information. It was  broadened  to  include  information  exchange  not  only  between  human  beings  but  also between machine and machine, as well as the exchange of signals in the animal and plant worlds. The pace of change brought by new technologies has a significant effect on the way people live, work, and play worldwide. Communication can be described as the process of transmitting and receiving ideas, information, and messages.

In  keeping  with  the  complex  nature  and  multiple  applications  of  Information  and

Communication Technologies (ICTs) the concept may be viewed in different ways. Rodriguez and  Wilson  (2000),  defines  ICTs  as  “the  set  of  activities/materials  which  is  facilitated  by



electronic means for the processing, transmission and display of information” In the same view; ESCAP  (2000),  “refers  ICTs  to  as  technologies  people use to  share,  distribute,  and  gather information and to communicate through computers and computer networks”. In the view of Akuyili (2006), ICT is the ability to use electronic means to capture, process, and store and communicate information. In the context of this study, ICT is an electronic machine, people use to enhance teaching and learning together with the administrative activities and also update educational standard in Colleges of Education in Bayelsa State. Many countries now regard understanding  ICT  and  mastering the basic skills and concepts of  ICT as part of the core education, alongside reading, writing and numeracy. In mastering and understanding ICT basic skills, one need to know the component. These include hardware, software and telecommunications in the forms of personal computers (PC), scanners, digital cameras, hand held/PDAS, Phones, faxes moderns, CD and DVD players and recorders, digitalized video, radio and Television and programs like database systems used as a tool in education.

ICT is an indispensable part of the contemporary world. The field of education has certainly been affected by the penetrating influence of information and Communication technology worldwide and in particular developed countries. ICT has made an impact on the quality and quantity of teaching and learning in education. The role of technology in teaching and learning cannot be over emphasized and is rapidly becoming one of the most important and widely discussed issues  in contemporary education policy (Rosen and  Well, 1995,  Thierer,

2000). Most experts in the field of education like Akinsola, Herselman and Jacobs (2003), agreed that, when properly used, Information and Communication technology hold great promise to improving teaching and learning in addition to shaping workforce opportunities.  ICT has played

a major role in education, such as being the motivating tool for teaching and learning in schools. Carol (1998), stated that the need for providing school with ICT tools is to enable students to function effectively in a global information economy. Students also benefit in ICT because it has the capacity to provide higher interactive potential for users to develop their interpersonal, intellectual  and  creative  ability.  ICT  is  not  only  used  for  accessing  and  developing  the intellectual and creative ability of the student alone, but it has also become an indispensable tool in this modern information age, making a dramatic impact in the lives of people globally. It is also used in manners that allow people successfully apply the existing knowledge and produce new knowledge (Shavinima, 2001). ICT is one of the tools used in colleges of education to enhance teaching and learning. College of Education is the education after secondary education. The mandate of colleges of education is to provide training and carry out pure and applied research; Osofisan and Osunade (2007). Bayelsa State is an inland state in South-South Nigeria. Its capital is Yenagoa where the state derives its name. Bayelsa state was created in 1996 from the old River State. The principal city in the state is Yenagoa.

Government of Bayelsa State made some effort to enhance ICT use in teaching and learning in Colleges of Education in Bayelsa state but is just in vain. Federal Government signs Agreement with Afrihub-Zinox to provide ICT sustainable intervention at tertiary institutions in Nigeria. Ndukwe (2007) commissioned Digital Awareness Program (DAP) in tertiary institutions in Nigeria. This program involves the provision of ICT facilities in as many educational institutions as possible across the Nation. Under the program, the selected institution is equipped with  computer  laboratories  fully  installed  with  about  20  computers,  furniture  and  internet facilities but Colleges of Education in Bayelsa State is not among. In most locations, these

facilities are backed-up with structural renovation of buildings and supply of air conditioners and power generators. In addition, the program provides basic training for the teachers and students to enable them effectively use the facilities provided.

However, despite the initiatives by the Bayelsa State towards ICT development there are still several impediments to the successful use of ICT facilities in Colleges of Education in Bayelsa State. These include poor funding, weak infrastructure, lack of skills, lack of relevant software and limited access to the internet (Ogiegbaen and Iyam 2005). In Bayelsa State, there is obstacle to the use of information and communication technology is infrastructure deficiencies. Computer equipment was made to function with other infrastructure such as electricity under “controlled conditions”. For the past 15 years, Bayelsa State has been having difficulty providing stable  and  reliable  electricity  supply  to  every  nooks  and  cranny  of  the  State.  Electronic equipment such as radio, television, video recorder and even computers has been damaged due to irregular power supply. Bayelsa State do not only lack information infrastructure, it also lacked the human capital to fully enhance ICT use in their colleges of education. To use ICT in their colleges of education, the need for locally trained workers to install, maintain and support these systems is critical. There is acute shortage of trained personnel in application software, operating systems, network administration and local technicians to service and repair computer facilities.

Moreover, software developers and  publishers in the developed countries have been trying for long to develop software and multimedia that have universal application, due to the differences in education standards and cultural backgrounds. According to Saloman (2003), there are clear indications from many countries that the supply of relevant and appropriate software is a major bottleneck obstructing wider application of the computer. In Bayelsa State, there are few

internet providers that provide internet gateway services to the students. Such internet providers are made up of Nigerians who are in partnership with foreign information and communication companies. However, to surmount the obstacles mentioned above there is need to Use and Access ICT in the Colleges of Education in Bayelsa State, to enhance teaching and learning.

However, there are some strategies that should be employed in enhancing the usage of ICT in Colleges of Education in Bayelsa State. This view was buttressed by Kwache (2007) who opined that Curriculum planners and Education policy makers should indicate the need for more technical support in integrating ICT into the curriculum of teacher education. The administrators and trainers should make educational technology an integral part of teaching and learning to provide a clear demonstration on how the use of instructional technology tools can address the personal and general concerns of teaching and learning in Colleges of Education in Bayelsa State (Ololube, 2006). This can be achieved by using some strategies.

Strategy generally involves setting goals, determining actions to achieve the goals, and mobilizing resources to execute the actions. A strategy describes how the ends (goals) will be achieved by the means (resources). This is generally tasked with determining strategy. Strategy can  be  intended  or  can  emerge  as  a  pattern  of  activity  as  the  organization  adapts  to  its environment or competes. In the context of this study, strategy is the determining actions to achieve  the  means  of  access  and  usage  of  ICT  in  colleges  of  education  in  Beyelsa  State. However, there are some strategies that should be employed in enhancing the accessibility of ICT in Colleges of Education in Bayelsa State. These strategies according to Ololube (2006) include funding, management, personnel development and partnership support.

Funding is one of the strategies that enhance ICT use and access in Colleges of Education in Bayelsa State. Government/private sector at all levels should make ICT a matter of priority, provide the funds specifically needed for the training of teachers in computer education who shall in turn be equipped with ICT knowledge and skills to teach pupils/students computer and/or ICT basics (Kwache, 2007). Bayelsa State established a service provision fund to facilitate rapid achievement of their state policy goals for access to ICTs in pursuant to chapter vii, part iv, of the communications Act of 2003. Their mission is to achieve access, universal coverage and universal service through tertiary institutions within Bayelsa State.

The fund will seek to contribute to national economic and social development by enhancing the universal accessibility and availability of ICT infrastructure and services to all students in Colleges of Education in Bayelsa State. It will also enhance technological innovation and competition in ICT service delivery in Colleges of Education in Bayelsa state. The fund will also help in providing the ICTs facilities and tools for enhancing the accessibility and usability of all students in Colleges of Education. The school authorities, school board and National Commission of Colleges of Education (NCCE) should be familiar with and take advantage of Telecommunications  Development  Funds  (TDF)  and  other  universal  access  policies  (Jorge,

2002). There is a great disconnection between universal access policies and resources, and the many ICT projects being implemented throughout the developing world (Jorge, 2002).

For enhancing the access to ICT, there is another strategy which is called management strategy. Management strategy entails, Planning, Controlling and Organizing seminar/workshop that will help the staff and students to efficiently manage and handle ICT tools in the schools day to day activities and thus help to improve the access to ICT tools for the staff and students

Ololube (2006). It will help them to learn how to integrate ICTs in the school activities like recording of staff data, preparing of staff salary and so on. Management Information Systems (MIS), along with the data that they hold, are important tools that schools must learn to use in order to provide information on the performance of students and staff. Recording data electronically, storing it centrally, and sharing it with colleagues are vital to reducing workloads through ICT. MIS enhances access and usage of ICT by installing a suitable integrated system that can provide the school with the tools to store and analyze data, transfer data to external organizations or to other schools.

Moreover, bridging digital divide for all students to have access to ICTs for online registration, online checking of result, and academic purpose will also help to enhance the access to  ICT.  This  will  help  by  encouraging  investment  in  information  and  communications technology using ICT as a tool for a wide range of applications in Colleges of Education (Kwache 2007). Combing new technologies with traditional electronic media (television and radio) and print media (newspaper and magazines, etc) can also broaden access. The radio broadcasters browse the web for information requested by the audience, translate it into the local languages  and  then  broadcast  it  on  their  daily  programmes  .      In  view  of  the  forgoing, maintaining the facilities and tools for easy access to ICTs by developing and training of ICT experts specifically for maintenance of the facilities and tools in the schools will enhance the accessibility to ICT (Kwache 2007). ICT should be use by all students in Colleges of Education in order to meet the mission of National Commission of Colleges of Education (NCCE) FGN (2004).

There is also another strategy which is called personnel development for the usage of ICT in Colleges of Education in Bayelsa State.  Personnel Development in this context involves the improvement and growth of personnel capabilities in the usage of ICT and also developing ICT skills and competencies programs for the teachers so that they will have basic ICT skills and competencies. Developing ICT skills is an important component of any ICT intervention because new skills are required for operating the computer, browsing the internet and making use of various communications tools such as e-mail, “chat rooms” and video conferencing (Kwache

2007). Providers and users need continuing education and training to learn ICT skills and keep up with new developments in hardware and software services.  Teachers need to learn how to integrate ICTs into their classroom activities and school structure. The quality of teachers is virtually known in all countries to be a key predictor of student learning (Ololube, 2005a;

2005b). Therefore, introducing on the job training for the staff for the improvement of ICT usage is crucial using ICTs, are tools that facilitate both teacher training and also help teacher to take full advantage of the potential of technology to enhance student learning (UNESCO, 2003).

Another strategy is partnership strategy.  Partnership strategy is essential in enhancing the usage of ICT in Colleges of Education in Bayelsa State. Partnership strategy entails cooperation and collaboration with other organizations for the purpose of actualizing training objectives (Kwache 2007).  In view of the forgoing, the author further stated that creating partnership with the private sector in terms of staff development, training, facilities and so on will enhance the use of ICT in Colleges of Education in Bayelsa State. The existence of a champion could also attract interest from prospective beneficiaries and even foster their participation in the project.   The Government, Individual or Non-governmental Organizations (NGO) can enhance the usage and

access to ICT by awarding scholarships in the ICT Education to the students in Colleges of

Education in Bayelsa State.


ICTs usage and access in Colleges of Education in Bayelsa State is being used in administrative works. It is also being used in online registration of students, preparing staff salaries and other online school activities, like teaching and learning. The researcher observed that ICT access and usage in Colleges of Education in Bayelsa State is not effective and hence the need for the development of strategies for enhancing the accessibility and usage of ICT in Colleges of Education in Bayelsa State is called for.

Statement of the Problem

The multiplicities of problems facing Colleges of Education in Bayelsa State  today are well known as observed by the researcher   On one level, they are discussed in terms of low numbers of qualified teachers and large numbers of students per class; inaccessibility and inflexibility  of  schools  and  universities;  outdated  and  irrelevant  curricula  and  methods  of learning; and lack of quality educational materials. On another level, there is a tremendous gap in relationships between schools and communities, teachers and learners, and learners and learners as well as a lack of interest in the endeavor of learning, critically thinking and reflecting.

Several of the top rated education research topics identified by Rader and Wilhelm (2001) are directly related to the use of technology in the teaching/learning process. Staff in Colleges of Education in Bayelsa State were expected to have access and use ICT in their administrative works and also in the teaching/learning process; they need to use ICT since it supports instruction and enables learners to use technology as an important tool to meet their information and learning needs. Barriers to the use and access to ICT in Colleges of Education in Bayelsa  State  include  lack  of  funds  to  provide  infrastructures,  facilities  and  tools;  poor

management of ICT tools and facilities; poor implementation of curriculum development and design; lack of personnel development; and lack of partnership support.

Moreover, teachers in Colleges of Education in Bayelsa Statehave no skills to impart good knowledge of ICT tools to their students due to the fact that they lack the desired training. They need to acquire some ICT skills but there is no support for the training. Colleges of Education in Bayelsa State cannot provide all that they need in enhancing ICT access and usage in their Colleges. They lack partnership support from the private sector, Non-governmental organizations, Government and individuals who ought to support their ICT projects.

Furthermore, for the effective use of ICTs tools and facilities, it requires constant maintenance of the tools, having knowledge on how to handle the tools. But in Colleges of Education in Bayelsa State, there is no seminar/workshop that is organized for the staff and students to know how to manage the tools.  To crown it all, there is no curriculum designs on the strategies for enhancing accessibility and use of ICT in Colleges of Education in Bayelsa State. These observations were personally made by the researcher at the time of preliminary investigations and hence the need for this study.

Purpose of the Study

The major purpose of this study is to determine strategies for enhancing access and usage of Information and Communication Technologies in Colleges of Education in Bayelsa State. Specifically, the study sought to;

1    Identify the strategies that facilitate improved funding of ICTs in Colleges of Education in Bayelsa State.

2    Determine the management strategies that enhance access and use of ICT tools and facilities in Colleges of Education in Bayelsa State.

3    Find out the personnel development strategies that enhance accessibility and use of ICT

tools and facilities in Colleges of Education in Bayelsa State.

4    Ascertain the partnership support strategies that enhance the accessibility and use of ICT

tools and facilities in Colleges of Education in Bayelsa State.

Significance of the Study

This study will be beneficial to these identifiable groups, namely; Colleges of Education, the government, the policy makers, computer teachers, curriculum planners and researchers.

This study by investigating on the strategies to enhance ICT will improve the quality of Colleges of Education in Bayelsa State both in academic and the quality of life in the wider society through the use of ICT tools and facilities. It is also expected that this study will enable the Colleges of Education in the state to appreciate the role of ICT in research and sourcing of information for staff and students through the use of Internet.

By understanding the current status of ICT in Colleges of Education in Bayelsa State with regard to accessibility and use of ICT, this study will further expose the lapses creating room for emphasis in staff training and professional development. This study will create the need for government/private sector participation in the provision of ICT. This cooperation is needful since the private sector organizations such as private schools are the direct consumers/employers of Colleges of Education products.

The findings of this study will highlight areas that the  curriculum designers and policy makers will improve to enhance the accessibility and use of ICT in Colleges of Education in Bayelsa State. It will also help the state government in making the yearly budget for their Colleges of Education through the use of internet facilities.

It is envisaged that computer teachers in Bayelsa State will benefit immensely through this study as they will be guided in their perception of the enormous demand in the usage and

accessibility of ICTs in Colleges of Education and thus seek to enhance their capability. The findings of this study will be of immense benefit to the researchers as it will save as a source of resources/materials for their research work.

Theoretically, this study is on strategies for enhancing accessibility and use of ICT and the theories are: constructivist (discovery learning) theory and constructionist (Learning by Making) theory. These theories provide the theoretical significance for this study. Through the theories, the theoretical base of the ICT strategies was determined and the theories was of immense benefit to the students by determining the strategies for enhancing the accessibility and use of ICT in colleges of education in Bayelsa State.

Research Questions

Five research questions are formulated in line with the purpose of the study to guide the research work. They include;

1    What are the strategies needed to facilitate improved funding for ICTs in Colleges of

Education in Bayelsa State?

2    What management strategies should be used to enhance access and use of ICT tools and facilities in Colleges of Education in Bayelsa State?

3    What personnel development strategies should be used in enhancing access and use of

ICT tools and facilities in Colleges of Education in Bayelsa State?

4    What partnership support strategies should be used to enhance the use and access of ICT

tools and facilities in Colleges of Education in Bayelsa State?


The following null hypotheses were formulated to guide the study and will be tested at

0.05 level of significance.

Ho1:        There is no significant difference in the mean responses of staff on the strategies that facilitate improved funding of ICTs.

Ho2:      Years of work experience is not a significant source of difference among staff on the strategies that facilitate the management of ICT tools and facilities.

Ho3:      There is no significant difference in the mean responses of staff on the strategies to improve partnership support of ICT tools and facilities.

Scope of the Study

The geographical scope of the study was covering Colleges of Education in Bayelsa State while the content scope will cover the following variables: undergraduates, computer education students and ICT strategies for enhancing access and usage.

This material content is developed to serve as a GUIDE for students to conduct academic research



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