The purpose of the study was to identify physical fitness status of people attending recreation centres in Gboko Local Government Area of Benue State. To achieve this purpose, four specific objectives each with a corresponding research question were posed and eight hypotheses were postulated. The cross-sectional survey and development research design activities were used for the study. The subjects consisted of 195 participants in Gboko Local Government Area of Benue State. There were five cases of mortality rate in the study. Four activities were used to test the participants for data collection. Seven experts teaching health and physical education aided in collecting the data using the designed activities by the President Council on Physical Fitness and Sports (1998). Mean scores were used in analyzing data collected, while z-test statistics were used for verifying the eight hypothesis. The results of the study showed the level of fitness and the level of recreation attainment in Gboko Local Government Area of Benue State. The findings show that participants took part in various activities for keeping themselves fit and strong in order to carry out their daily activities effectively. Also, it was revealed that the government on its own paid no little attention to recreation activities in the area. The findings further showed the administrative quality the owners had and the orderly conduct of the participants for a period of time. It also showed the dedication of the participants in the various activities and how they were able to contribute a little to the upkeep of the equipment and facilities. Lastly, based on the findings, the researcher suggested ways of improving the upkeep of the equipment and facilities, by contributing a little money in two months. Also continue in the spirit the researcher met them and they should continue to love one another in performing their activities for fitness.
Background to the Study
People all over the world are becoming more and more health conscious. The priority has been shifting from everything else to the fact that the most important thing in life, is to keep oneself in shape and fit, and to enjoy things in life (Hasselfor, 2007). According to Fine (1994), all individuals, old and young, need leisure and recreational activities to boost their mental health. He further stated that, in most cases, too little emphasis is given to leisure planning, whereas, it is important to plan for result-oriented recreation and fitness, for adolescent and adults including the aged, experience a sense of joy and satisfaction when they participate in meaningful fitness activities.
American Association for leisure and Recreation (2005) pointed out that, recreation when used correctly and to its fullest, will recreate the body, mind and spirit. They further stated that, the need for recreation during leisure hours is of vital importance to all and sundry. People of all ages and sexes are subject to stress, generated both internally, from within and externally, from the environment and social systems. In order to cushion the effects of all these various stresses on the individuals, recreation and fitness activities will remain avenues to regain one’s bearing and to promote mental and emotional well being.
According to Melgosa (2001), short and long term relaxation is highly positive, not only for the individual but also for society in general. The people of Gboko engage in different types of recreational activities. These activities are organized by individuals, religious bodies or group of people. But the government, on its own has not made any attempt, to modernize or sustain such activities. It is observed that these activities vary from one locality to another. These activities are engaged in the evening after work, and mostly on Saturdays, by most people. The recreational activities are done by the choice of the people, who may want to attend recreational centres. According to Onifade (2003), engaging in recreational activities
brings about benefits to the individuals by affecting positively their physical, social and mental health.
In today’s society, the effect, on human body, of physical and mental demands and pressures may be thought of as stress. Everyone experiences stress. Infact, a certain amount of stress is necessary to be able to perform the daily task of our lives, and to ease this stress situation, is only by engaging in recreational activities (Adeniyi, 2000). It is on this note that Uzoalor (1999) maintained that physical fitness is the organic capacity of the individual to perform the normal tasks of daily living without undue tiredness, having a reserve of strength and energy available to meet satisfactorily any emergency demand.
Payne and Dale (1998) revealed that physical fitness is achieved when the organic systems of the body are healthy and can function efficiently so as to resist disease to enable the fit person to engage in vigorous task and leisure activities, and to handle situations of emergency. Uche (2000) indicated that physical fitness is that level of physical and mental efficiency which enables us to do our jobs efficiently, to take part in recreation with vigour and enjoyment. Uti and Ojeme (2002) described physical fitness as a body condition in which an individual is able to carry out efficiently all his or her expected daily activities without getting tired and without much pain in or being hindered by any part of his body or its system. According to Ajala (1997), physical fitness reflects the ability to work with vigour and pleasure, without undue fatigue, with energy left for enjoying hobbies and recreational activities and for meeting unforeseen emergencies.
As Akindeye (2007) rightly observed, physical fitness is the ability of and individual to have sufficient energy to perform one’s work effectively without unnecessary fatigue, an still have little reserved energy to enjoy social activities and cope with emergencies after work. According Ulrich (2007), physical fitness is the ability of the human body to function with vigour and alertness, without undue fatigue, and with ample energy to engage in leisure activities and to meet physical stress. The study also included married and unmarried
participants that attend various recreational centres in Gboko Local Government Area of Benue
According to Hornby (2004) marriage is a legal union of a man and woman as husband and wife. Aldous (1993) looked at marriage as a relationship of mutual emotional support, merged economy, a mutually advantageous division of labour, procreation and successful rearing of children. James (1993) revealed that marriage is by a publicly announced contract that makes legitimate the sexual union of a man and woman.
With this explanation of what marriage is, it now shows that widows and widowers belongs to the group of the married persons. Divorcees also are married persons even though the two partners may not be living under the same roof as husband and wife, hence they may have children or not. This view was supported by (Horton and Hunt 2005). Proceeding, they stated that unmarried persons are single person households. According to the scholars, most of them live with parents or relatives until they are married. There have always been some unmarried couples who live together openly as lovers rather than husband and wife.
The present study is on recreation and physical fitness. Therefore, it will be out of place to proceed without discussing recreation. It is on this point that Okunrotifa (1995) opined that recreation could be seen as an antidote to work. He continued stating that recreation takes place during leisure. It is the opposite of work. It is not forced or imposed. Omoruan (1996) sees recreation as a mental and spiritual attitude, an attitude of the mind, a condition of the soul. He further stated that recreation is an experience or activity carried out during a period of leisure, voluntarily chosen and providing pleasure or a sense of well being.
Ogunwuiyi (1998) suggests that, recreation is a positive use of leisure time rather than pursuing vice and other idle pursuit, such as gambling, drinking alcohol and back biting. He further explained that recreation is a voluntary activity free from compulsion or obligation. It is that act which is prompted by an internal motivation and the desire to achieve personal satisfaction, rather than by extrinsic motive. Ogwo and Agu (1999) revealed that, recreation is
not only a way to keep mentally or physically in shape, but also a part of the social ritual that keeps them in touch with their culture. Adeniyi (2000) viewed recreation as freely chosen, enjoyable and beneficial leisure time, activity in which one voluntarily engages in because of the joy and satisfaction derived there from. He also affirmed that recreation renews our strength and spirit after toil. Thus, it is regarded as a tool for mental and physical therapy, and for preparing the body for good performances.
Ogu and Eneogwe (2002) identified recreation as the devotion of time in a non productive way, but which involves the refreshment of our body or mind in an active and participating manner. The relationship between participation in active recreational activities and physical fitness can not be overemphasized. This is because participation in certain recreational activities provides the body the opportunity to exercise and thereby enhance physical fitness. The United States Department of Health and Human Services (2001) described recreation as the physical or mental activities which an individual voluntarily participates in during leisure time because of the enjoyment and satisfaction he or she gets in those activities. Agbo (2002) perceived recreation as activities one voluntarily engages in, and voluntarily withdraws from during one’s leisure hours for the purpose of refreshment of body and soul. He further stated that recreation is any action that refreshes the mental attitude of an individual, it is a wholesome activity that is engaged in for pleasure.
Recreation is a worthwhile activity, in which individuals engage in voluntarily, as they make activities of their choice, during their leisure hours after work. The importance of fitness to mankind, can never be over emphasized. According to Amber (2007), the cost of medical establishment is in billions for treatment of diseases which could be lessened with exercise. Regular exercise should be 30 minutes, five days a week, or 20 minutes of vigorous exercise for 3 days a week. Many studies involving both animals and human beings, show that physical activity brings about good body working conditions that are beneficial to health and fitness. Exercise has been found to improve muscle strength and endurance. It also increases general
feeling of well being and efficiency of the heart to pump blood round the body and the respiratory system to take oxygen (Pollock, Wilmore and Fox, 1984).
Dale (1998) opined that, a programme of regular aerobic exercises improve the efficiency of one’s cardiorespiratory endurance, more specifically, regular exercises strengthen the muscles of the heart, enables the heart to pump more blood with fewer strokes, thereby meeting, the demands one places on it, as a result, the heart rate may become slower than in the past. Steve (2002) stated that, fitness activities offer a broad range of benefits, including the prevention of obesity, improved self confidence, and over all sense of well being, provide general health and safety information. Uti and Ojeme (2002) affirmed that, physical fitness is of great importance to our lives. Thus, it includes living well and enjoyable life. This enables one to meet emergencies in one’s daily life and makes one’s body grow and develop properly.
Physical fitness has many components that are aimed at keeping an individual fit, depending on the area the individual is trying to develop; it could be the whole body or a particular part of the body. The various components of physical fitness are: cardiorespiratory endurance, flexibility, muscular strength, leg speed, muscular endurance, power, balance, agility and coordination (Uti and Ojeme, 2002). As important as being fit is, recreation is also another safety aspect of keeping the body and soul fit and healthy. According N.T.I. (1990), although recreation and exercise do not mean the same thing, they can bring about physical fitness. Michael (2005) pointed out that, recreation is any action that refreshes the mental attitude of an individual, it is a wholesome activity that gives pleasure. Social report (2005) emphasized that recreation plays an important role in social well being by providing people with a sense of identity and personal autonomy.
According to Nwankwo (2006), many people are faced with the stress of an economically stagnating economy. Recreation, on the other hand, is frequently accompanied with relaxation, which brings about a decrease in frustration, depression, tension and anxieties and, hence, a possible escape from the degenerative diseases associated with anxiety
syndrome. Gorman (2002) demonstrated that recreational activities can help reduce alienation, loneliness and isolation, all of which contribute to depression. He further asserted that positive and enjoyable recreational experience can reduce stress, anxiety and psychological tension.
Ogu and Eneogwe (2006) indicated that modest physical activities in recreation change the size and density of cholesterol carrying proteins, thereby causing less damage to the cardiorespiratory systems. Furthermore, attempts have been made by various authors to explain what recreation is, and what activities can be obtained in the recreation centres. It is on this reason that Umeakuka (2006) revealed the following activities and their classifications as thus: Arts and crafts, drama, sports, games and athletes, hobbies, music, out door recreation, reading, waiting and speaking, social recreation, social events and voluntary service. Ogunwiyi (1998) maintained that, recreation donates activities such as music, drama, sports, board games, crafts and dance, which a person partakes in voluntarily during his free time after a hard days work, or on the weekend. According to Adeniyi (2000), recreational activities include physical or outdoor recreation, that is, sports, which may be vigorous, moderate or minimal, such as cycling, mountaineering, camping, etc, and indoor games such as ludo, ayo, chess and whot.
Recreation can be transformed into fitness by engaging in various recreational activities meant to keep individuals fit and healthy. According to Muhammed (2006), recreation is refreshment for the body and mind. He further asserted that, the human body is like a machine and for it to run well, it has to be maintained, indeed, largely because of the special circumstances of modern civilization and the eight hour work day, periodic recreation has become an essential element in the maintenance package for the prolongation of human life and to enhance mental health. The importance of recreation in the life of man can not be over emphasized, it is indeed part and parcel of good health that can be translated into physical fitness.
My choice of this topic was instrumental to the fact that, most people in Gboko participate in various recreational activities, but, unfortunately, no attention has been drawn by
any one or group to study what is on ground. Also, their health and fitness status is yet to be ascertained in order to rate and keep their records for future use by the students of physical education or scholars, neither are the facilities and equipment tested to know their proper functioning.
No available data or information on the study, where, even, the participants would lay their hands when need be. According to Ngoka (2007), in separate studies, found that demographic factors such as gender, age, employment, status and income, affect recreational participation. Also, the geographical conditions of state determine the kind of recreational potentials that national parks can offer.
Means of providing these facilities and equipments when the old ones are worn out, was yet to be known, and how they will benefit from what they have been doing for years, was also a hidden factor. These were the reasons that gave rise to this research work by the researcher to find out the hidden facts on those married and unmarried men and women taking part in these various recreation centres in Gboko Local Government Area of Benue State. According to Torkildsen (1992), playful activities engagement was caused by need to find compensating outlets to allow relaxation and recuperation from the tension and stress of work. Statement of the Problem
A lot of people in Gboko Local Government Area of Benue State attend recreational centres for the purpose of recreating themselves in these centres. It is expected that those who are involved in some recreation activities should also improve their fitness status. This is because recreation activities can also impact on the fitness of the individual.
Despite the participation of people of Gboko Local Government Area in some recreation activities, to the best knowledge of the researcher, there are no records of any study to determine the fitness status of those attending recreational centres in the area. The absence of previous study on this subject matter in the area makes it difficult for one to know if the
attention of recreation centres in the area has in any way affected the fitness status of the people.
This study, being the first on fitness status of those attending recreational centres in Gboko Local Government Area, is interested to find out the status. The dearth of information in the area is what has given rise to this study. The study will attempt to determine the fitness status of those attending recreational centres. This may address the issue of whether those attending recreational centres have adequate fitness level or not. It was as a result of this note that, the researcher went into research to find out these problems on ground. According to Ngoka (2007), Natural parks are not effectively utilized for recreational activities, inspite of enough recreational potentials within them.
In the study, physical fitness is very important here, because men and women who take part in recreational activities, do that for recreation which has a relationship with fitness. Also, physical fitness promote enjoyable regular physical activity, and reporting programmes for the participants (Marilu and Gregory, 1999). They further maintained that physical fitness provide the participants with the personal information regarding his fitness status, this can, then, be used as basis for designing individualized programmes of fitness development.
Purpose of the Study
The purpose of the study was to determine the physical fitness status of people attending recreation centres in Gboko Local Government Area of Benue State. Specifically, the study seeks to determine:
1. The aerobic capacity of people attending recreation centre, in Gboko Local
Government Area of Benue State;
2. the hamstring flexibility of people attending recreation centres in Gboko Local
Government Area of Benue State;
3. the abdominal and low back strength of people attending recreation centres in Gboko
Local Government Area of Benue State; and
4. The upper body strength of people attending recreation centres in Gboko Local
Government Area of Benue State.
Research questions
In the course of the study, the following questions were formulated to guide the work.
1. What is the aerobic capacity status of people attending recreation centres in Gboko
Local Government Area of Benue State?
2. What is the hamstring flexibility status of people attending recreation centres in Gboko
Local Government Area of Benue State?
3. What is the abdominal and low back strength status of people attending recreation centres in Gboko Local Government Area of Benue State?
4. What is the upper body strength status of people attending recreation centres in Gboko
Local Government Area of Benue State?
Research Hypothesis
The following hypothesis were postulated and tested at 0.05 alpha level of significant to further guide the study;
1. There is no statistical significant difference in the mean scores of aerobic capacity status of married and unmarried men attending recreational centres in Gboko Local Government Area of Benue State.
2. There is no statistical significant difference in the mean scores of aerobic capacity status of married and unmarried women attending recreational centres in Gboko Local Government Area of Benue State.
3. There is no statistical significant difference in the mean scores of hamstring flexibility status of married and unmarried men attending recreational centres in Gboko Local Government Area of Benue State.
4. There is no statistical significant difference in the mean scores of hamstring flexibility status of married and unmarried women attending recreational centres in Gboko Local Government Area of Benue State.
5. There is no statistical significant difference in the mean scores of abdominal and low back strength status of married and unmarried men attending recreational centres in Gboko Local Government Area of Benue State.
6. There is no statistical significant difference in the mean scores of abdominal and low back strength status of married and unmarried women attending recreational centres in Gboko Local Government Area of Benue State.
7. There is no statistical significant difference in the mean scores of upper body strength status of married and unmarried men attending recreational centres in Gboko Local Government Area of Benue State.
8. There is no statistical significant difference in the mean scores of upper body strength status of married and unmarried women attending recreation centres in Gboko Local Government Area of Benue State.
Significance of the Study
This study provided information on physical fitness status of people attending recreation centres in Gboko Local Government Area of Benue State. Additionally, it will encourage the participants to continue taking part in various recreation centres. The study may help to evaluate the level of participation by the participants in terms of physical fitness. The research may aid the participants to develop more interest in recreational activities that will lead into the development of fitness programmes. The findings will help the public to develop positive attitudes towards participation in recreational activities, which will lead to fitness.
The research may help the participants to acquire more knowledge of the importance of physical fitness in our daily activities. The finding will be of interest to those participating in recreational centres, by providing them with records of their general physical fitness status.
Each information could be motivating to the research participants to continue participating in physical fitness activities, even after the completion of the study. It may serve as data base for those wishing to study on such a topic in future, as well as those intending to join the participants who already have been spending their time wisely in those recreational activities.
The study generated data on how the recreational owners were involved in management of equipment and facilities, and also, running the administration of their areas. The study, also, provides information on how people are motivated to participate in various recreation activities by both the owners and those who are regular participants. The information gathered here will be useful to physical education teachers and students in various schools that may be willing to learn the subject. The information serves as a guide to recreation owners and future researchers aiming to study recreation and fitness in Gboko Local Government. The study also shows the level of maturity, tolerance and cooperation exhibited by the participants, both married and unmarried men and women.
Finally, engaging in recreational activities is to bring fitness and health. According to Marilu and Gregory (1999), fitness activities have been rooted in physiology, that, health is for every one, is for a life time and is personal. Further more, its result will be used in the development of some other centres in the area, for the development of sound fitness and removal of stress.
Scope of the Study
The current study was delimited to recreational centres owned by individuals, religious bodies and clubs in Gboko Local Government Area of Benue State. The centres are: Gboko Club, Gboko Scrabble, Dooshima Cards Club, Anyiman, Gboko Volunteers Basket. Ball and neighborhood Ayo club. The study was further delimited to the following components of physical fitness as given by Presidents Council on Physical Fitness and Sports (1998). They are: Aerobic capacity, hamstring flexibility, abdominal and lowback strength and upper body strength.
This material content is developed to serve as a GUIDE for students to conduct academic research
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