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Public Libraries  are organizations  established  by governments  to acquire,  organize,  store and disseminate  information and knowledge  to all people  in the areas they are located.  They are provided  with  book  and non-book  materials  to  meet  information needs  of the  people.  The purpose of the study was to determine the information needs of adult users of the public libraries located  in Ahia,  Ebonyi,  Enugu and Imo States:  South-East, Nigeria.  The study was also aimed at finding out the extent to which the information needs were met, problems  and to provide strategies  for enhanced  information delivery  to  the  adults.  Five  research  questions  and two hypotheses  were  formulated  to  guide the  study.  The  descriptive  survey  design  was  used  in carrying  out  the  study.  The  population   of the  adult  users  was  8347,  while  that  of the professional/para  professional   librarians  was  76.  Random  sampling  procedure  was  used  to sample 835 adult users,  while 76 professional/ para-profressional  librarians were used because the figure was not enough to require sampling. A questionnaire was used in collecting the data. Frequencies, percentages, means scores, and standard deviations were used to analyze responses based on the research questions. Interview method was also used in collecting more relevant data for the thesis.  Thus,  fifteen randomly selected adult users of the public libraries in each of the States were interviewed.   T-test method was used in testing the two hypotheses.  Major findings of the study  in relation  to the characteristics  of adult users  showed  that  most of them were students,  who were followed by civil servants and teachers.  Areas of information needs of adult users  of the public  libraries were the following:  current  affairs,  social activities, economic/business  activities,  subjects registered for ordinary level of education,  creative works, health, computer  skills,      teaching/research  data, political  and administrative  matters, cultural issues and subjects registered for higher education. Areas of information needs of the adult users not met were the following: computer skills, cultural issues, legal issues, religious activities, and subjects  registered  for  higher  education.  All  factors  considered  as  problems  to  the  public libraries, and the strategies for enhancing information delivery to meet adult needs were accepted as valid responses. It was recommended  that the public libraries should be adequately provided with information communication technologies for them to be able to offer computer skills.  They should also be provided with constant electricity,  new books and journals  on different  subjects. The State and Local governments, including non-governmental  organizations in the area should participate in funding the public libraries.  Information needs of the people should be studied and the available services advertised in the media.  While the accommodation  should be expanded, staff  should  be  motivated  and retrained  to  acquire  knowledge  of computer  operations  and Internet services.



Background  of the Study

Information  may be defined as fact or data given out or received  for use in solving a problem. Afolabi (2003) has defined information as an external response  which conditions  or modifies a person’s knowledge state.  The knowledge state of a man which requires modification for him to feel satisfied is an information need.  Provision of the appropriate information helps in meeting  this  need  and  thereby  increasing  the  individual’s  level  of knowledge  on the  given subject.  The provision  may be orally  done  as in  a traditional  society  or through  the use  of information and communication technologies of the modem society.

To Olajide (2008),  information simply means facts and opinion provided and received in the course of daily human interactions.  It is news or facts required for settlement of a state of uncertainty (Aina, 2004). It is that meaningful data within a particular context, which describes a given event (Nwana, 2008). According to Agboola (2010), information is nothing but a class of events which occurs to meet a particular purpose.  Information is usually provided to achieve a given objective.  It is knowledge  communicated  or received  in relation  to a particular  subject (Olowonefa  and  Musa,  2011).  The  particular  subject  on  which  an  information  is given  or received is an information need.

A public library is an organization established by the government to satisfy information needs  of members  of the  public.  Public  libraries  acquire,  organize,  store  and  disseminate information and knowledge to all classes of people.  They are provided with book and non-book materials to meet education,  information,  culture and leisure needs of the people.  Achebe (2005) refers  to public  libraries  as centres  for acquisition  of knowledge  and  information.  They  are


provided to meet people’s  quest for knowledge.  This is why Gambari (1986),  regarded a public library as the people’s university.

One of the public library’s  primary functions  is to provide for the educational needs of the adult users. To Ogunsheye (1981), education involves the total apparatus for the development of the individual to fit him into a society. This was why Fafunwa (1993) pointed out that African education emphasized  social responsibility,  job  orientation  and preparation  of the learners for participation  in social politics, appreciation  of spiritual and moral values. He pointed  out that modern education (which public  library services support) has the ingredients required to push Nigeria forward politically, socially, morally and technologically.

According to Poggeler (1989), the right to education means the right of the individual to self-realization  in the broadest  sense of the word.  The existing gifts and capabilities  of adult users of public libraries should be unfolded and developed.  Marinho (1991) is of the view that education should be able to make the learner a more productive and responsible citizen. Public libraries offer democratic opportunities for self-education. Learners, especially the adults, attach great importance  to education that would help them determine how to locate  solutions to their needs be it social,  emotional and intellectual (Dittmankohli,  1981).  Public libraries support this type of education by providing  a variety of resources.  IFLA/UNESCO  (2001)  has pointed out that public libraries support life- long learning by working with schools and other educational institutions to help students of all ages with their formal education .

According to IFLA/UNESCO (2001 ), another important role ofpublic libraries is centred on  cultural  development.  This  would  involve  provision  of space  for  cultural  activities  and ensuring  that  various  cultural  interests,  especially  those  of the  immediate  community,     are covered  in the resources.  Provision  of cultural  information  is geared towards  encouraging  or


supporting cultural development. According to Banjo (1998),  this would include  oral tradition, local history, folk tales, and songs. He is of the view that conventional African public libraries do not  adequately  provide  this  necessary  information.  This  is as a result  of the  formats  of the available resources.

Another  important role  of public  libraries  is encouragement  of  individuals  to  enjoy leisure.  Ike (1999) is of the view that many literate Nigerians read newspapers,  magazines and books that can help them enjoy leisure.  There are different  formats of information designed to help illiterates and other users enjoy their leisure.  They include  the following:  pictures,  videos and audio materials on the subjects of their interest (Kuny and Cleveland,  1998). Moreover, adult users of public libraries can also expect the services of computers  and the Internet for them to meet their various entertainment needs.

To Iwhiwhu (2008), public libraries are provided to preserve and disseminate information to  all  people   and  contribute   effectively  to   socio-economic   development   of the  people. Ugah(2010) has cited Akambi(1998) who described information as mankind’s accumulated knowledge derived from all subjects in all forms and from all sources that is designed to meet the needs of the users.  This type of information is needed by policy makers and the people at large (September,  1993).Information plays important roles in every level of development. All people whether in the urban or rural areas require some level  of information to take proper  decisions about their daily activities (Ochai  1995, Dybkjaer  1997). Ochai (1995) whose article is not an empirical study,  wrote on the role of information in the development of adults in the rural areas of Nigeria.  He is strongly of the view that if appropriate  information  is provided  to the rural dwellers such as bricklayers, carpenters, farmers and fishermen, they would experience improvement  in their various undertakings.  The fundamental problem of the rural people is the


mechanisms  for providing  them with appropriate  information to enable them improve in their various occupations  (Ochai,  1995). Information  for occupational  development  or improvement can be delivered in the language spoken by the rural dwellers.

Dybkjaer  (1997) whose  article was not  also an empirical  study  discussed  the role  of libraries  and  information  provision  in  human  development  generally,  and  development  of democracy in Denmark. Together with an effective educational system, a good, well-run library system is a prerequisite  for offering everyone a genuine opportunity to learn about their society and its background, to improve themselves and grow personally and, from there, to take an active part in a democratic society (Dybkjaer,  1997).

Both  Murdock  and  Golding  (1989)  are  of the  view  that  people  need  access  to information,  which can be found in the public  libraries.  To Kinnell and Sturges   (1996) the public libraries are key providers of useful   information to the people in a given environment. Moreover, both Adimorah (1983)  and Aboyade (1989) have written on the importance of public library services  in meeting the information   needs of people who are either  in the cities  or in the rural areas. Omoloju (1985) agrees that people visit libraries because they cannot buy the resources which contain essential information they need.

Professional   and  para-professional   staff  of public   libraries  participate   actively  in ensuring effective public  library services.  Professional  staff of public  libraries are those who have at least first degree certificates in library and information science. They are responsible for selection, acquisition, organization and dissemination of information available in the resources of the  libraries.  They  also  carry  out  administrative  duties  involving  proper  use  of human  and material resources  to meet the objectives of the libraries.   Thus, they play important roles in effective  services  of public   libraries  to  meet  adult  users’  information   needs.   The  para-


professional  staff are assigned  lower professional  duties such as preliminary  cataloguing  and assistance to adult users  in locating library resources.  They also copy and file selected titles for acquisition.  They possess at least  diploma certificates  in library and information science.  They are also important in the services of the libraries.

Public  libraries  are used  by different  categories  of adults  such  as students,  teachers, lecturers, lawyers, civil servants, architects, business men, engineers etc. According to IFLA/UNESCO  (2001 ),  users  of public  libraries  include  children,  young adults,  people  with special needs such as those who are blind and those who have hearing problems.  Others are people  in  prison,  the  aged,  nursing  mothers,  organizations,  business  men  and  people  in government. It is as the adult users are varied that their information needs are also varied.

The importance of public library services in meeting the information needs of adult users was recognized   by the government  of the then Eastern Region  of Nigeria  after the seminar organized by the United Nations Educational,  Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) on the  development  of public     libraries  in Africa.  The premier  of the Eastern  Region,  Dr. Nnamdi  Azikiwe  commissioned  a survey on public  library development  in the region (Odita,

1983). The committee’s recommendations  led to the promulgation  of the Eastern Nigeria Library Board  Law in July  1955.  It  was by this  law that the Board  was given the responsibility  of establishing and equipping public  libraries in the entire Eastern Region.  The agreement which the Eastern Nigerian government  entered into with UNESCO  led to the rapid establishment  of divisional libraries at Port Harcourt    (March,  1962),  Ikot Ekpene (July 1964),  Umuahia (April

1965),  and at Onitsha (July 1964).  Branches of these libraries were also established at Owerri, Aba and Calabar. Every one of the divisional libraries and the Regional Central Library,  Enugu was provided with a mobile library for effective provision of services.  According to Ude (2006),


the Eastern Regional Library Board,  provided the best public library services in Africa between

1950s  and  1970s.This  happened with the exception of the period  of disruption  caused by the

Nigerian Civil War.

Creation of new states in the region led also to the establishment of more public libraries. For instance, Abia  State was created  in  1991  and the headquarters  of its  Library Board was located at Umuahia.  Branches  of the  library are found in the  following  areas:  Aba, Abiriba, Arochukwu, Bende, Eziama, Igbere, Isuikwuato, Ohafia, Umuoso  and Uzuakoli  (11 libraries). Ebonyi  State was created in  1996,  and the headquarters  of the Library Board was located at Abakaliki.  The branch library is found at Onueke,  (2 libraries).  Enugu State was created out of the former Anambra State in 1991.  The headquarters of the Library Board is still at Enugu with branches  located  at the following areas;  Amufe,  Awgu,  Ibagwa-Aka,  and Nsukka (5 libraries). Imo State Library Board has its headquarters at Owerri and the branches located at the following areas: Afara, Isu, Mbaise, Mbano, Nkwere, Obowo, Okigwe, Orlu and Orodo (10 libraries).

Adult users of libraries are people who are sixteen years and above.  Some of them are called younger women (Badawi, 2007). In Turkey, they are called young adults (Yilmaz, 1998). Older adults also make use of information available in public libraries (Ikenwe and Adegbilere• Iwari, 2014).  Globally and locally, the adults need resources  with appropriate  information in support of their education,  leisure and cultural development. They need information to support their occupational/ professional development.  Use of good strategies is involved in the efforts to meet  their  information needs.  Meeting  the  needs  simply  means providing  the requirements. According  to Emeka (2011 ),  a strategy simply means planned  ways of achieving the desired goals.  Services ofpublic libraries are rendered with the view to achieve the stated objectives.


Writing on the common problems of public libraries in Nigeria,  Elaturoti (2011) points out that collections  and services of these public libraries have to include appropriate media and modern technologies designed to meet local information needs. Information and communication technologies have become parts of public libraries in developed countries.  Moreover Ike (1999) and Aina (2004), point out that available resources in African and Nigerian public libraries have to cover known information needs of the people.   Both Eze (2008) and Ogbonna (2008) have pointed out that   these public  libraries, would need befitting buildings, facilities and resources designed to help them meet their objectives.  Thus,  the need for this study to see if solutions can be proffered  to address the above stated needs,and these libraries are placed at the positions they can adequately satisfy information needs of the adult users.

Statement of the Problem

It is recognized that the difference between developed and developing nations is the level of availability  and utilization  of information to meet human needs. Information  is required to satisfy human needs in such areas as health, business and legal issues.

Various governments establish public libraries to provide information needs of members of the public.  Such libraries are available at Abia,  Ebonyi,  Enugu and Imo States  of Nigeria. Members of the public are desirous of having their information needs met through the services of these public  libraries to enable them progress  in their various occupations/professions.  Efforts are also being made by the public libraries to respond to the expanding needs of their adult users. However,  the problem is to what extent do the public libraries meet information needs of their adult users?


Purpose of the Study

The main purpose  of the study is to ascertain information  needs of adult users  of the public  libraries,  extent  to  which  these  needs  are  met,  problems  and  to  provide  appropriate strategies that should be employed   for improved information services to the adults. The specific purposes are to:

1.            find out the characteristics of adult public library users in Ahia, Ebonyi,     Enugu

Imo States ofNigeria.


2.         determine different information needs of these adult public library  users.

3.          examine the extent to which the presented information needs of adults are met.

4.         find out the problems which hinder these public libraries from meeting the information needs of their adult users.

5.          determine the strategies the public libraries should use to meet the information needs of adult users.

Research Questions

The following research questions are designed to guide the study:

1.          What are the characteristics of adult users ofpublic libraries?

2.         What are the information needs of adult users ofpublic libraries?

3.          To what extent are their information needs met?

4.         What problems hinder the public libraries from meeting the information needs of adult users?

5.          What strategies should be employed to meet information needs of adult users ofpublic libraries?



The following hypotheses will guide the study and they will be tested at the (P<.05) level of significance.

1.            There is no significant difference between the mean ratings of students and workers

(adult users) on the extent their information needs are met.

2.         There is no significant difference between the mean ratings of the public library staff and adult users on the problems hindering meeting information needs.

Significance of the Study

Public libraries in the South- Eastern Nigeria have passed through a period of stagnation in terms  of both  the number  and ability to provide  adequate, relevant  resources  to meet the growing information needs of their users.  Revival of these public libraries has become necessary for their effective contribution   to the development of the area and in defense of democracy.

It is hoped that the findings of this study will provide useful strategies to the librarians for successful   and  progressive   public   library   services   capable   of  meeting   the   educational, informational,   cultural   and   recreational   needs   of  many   adults   in   the   States.         The recommendations  will show the public librarians their new duties and how to execute them to meet the needs of the adult clientele. This knowledge helps them make necessary adjustments for better services involving relevant strategies, current resources and facilities. Public librarians in other States  of the country,  who are desirous of strategies for improved  services,  will find this study useful. As they go through and implement the recommendations  in their States,  they are likely to observe improvement in their efforts to meet the needs of their clientele.

Adult   users of the public libraries in the area of this study will be encouraged to know their civil rights  and responsibilities  through  information  dissemination.  The  findings  of this


study will also show the information needs of adult users of the public libraries,  the extent to which they are met, and solutions to the problems hindering these libraries from meeting adults’ needs.  Knowledge  of solutions  to the existing problems  and its  application  in the services  is likely to ensure that users’  desire to acquire general and specialized  information  will be met. They will be prepared to participate actively in the politics of this nation and in various socio – economic and technological  ventures.  The implementation of the recommendations  by both the government and the librarians will attract potential adult users to the library services.     When the needs  of these  readers  are  adequately  met,  they  are  likely to join  hands  in persuading  the government to provide funds for these libraries adequately.

This thesis will assist Education and other ministries in the States to identify the role of public libraries in support of enlightenment and productive citizenry.  The number of productive labour force in the States will increase  from the number of adults who enjoy improved services of the libraries.

Scholars who conduct researches in the related fields will also find this work useful. They will refer to the facts established through this study.  Moreover,  institutions  of higher education with departments of library and information science are likely to benefit from the findings of this study. They will be provided with knowledge of appropriate strategies for effective public library services.  This knowledge  will be transferred  to the students through  lectures, workshops  and semmars.

Scope of the Study

States in the South East, Nigeria are Ahia, Anambra, Ebonyi, Enugu and Imo.  This is the Igbo speaking area ofNigeria. The people living in this area are interested in education and they also explore and exploit information  for their developmental  ventures.  However,  for time and


economic reasons,  this study is limited to the operations and services of public libraries located at Abia,  Ebonyi,  Enugu  and Imo  States  in terms of their efforts  to meet various  information needs of the adult users.  It is as the adult users are varied that their information needs are also varied.  The adult whose  information needs  are covered  are those  who  are sixteen years  and above.  They can make use of the libraries independently.  The extent adults’  information needs are met, problems hindering the public libraries from meeting the needs, and the strategies for enhanced information services of the public libraries to meet the needs of adult users are treated.

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