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This research investigated  management  and use of grey literature in academic  libraries  in Niger State. The purpose of it is to identify types of grey literature, examine  methods of acquisition,  processing,  preservation  and utilisation.  In addition,  to  ascertain management challenges  and strategies  for improvement.  Research  questions  were formulated  based on seven points of the purposes. A descriptive survey research design was used for the study. One  hundred  and  two  (102)  librarians  (professional  and  paraprofessional)  from  Federal University  of Technology,  Minna,  IBB  University,  Lapai,  Federal  College  of Education, Kontagora, Niger State College of Education, Minna, Federal Polytechnic, Bida, and Niger State Polytechnic, Zungeru constituted the population. The entire population was used. There was  no  sampling  because  the  sample  size  was  manageable.  The  instruments  for  data collection  were  structured  questionnaire,  interview  schedule  and  observation  checklist. Documentary  evidences in the area of grey literature formed the basis for construction  of these instruments.   The instruments were face validated by three senior researchers  in the field  of  Library  and  Information  Science,  University  of  Nigeria,  Nsukka.  The  research instruments  were administered  directly by the researcher.  In analyzing the  data collected, frequency table and mean score were used for the questionnaire  and  checklist,  while the interview was presented  in prose narrative form substantiating  information  obtained  from questionnaire.  The  findings  revealed  that  appreciable  size  and  variety  of  grey  literature resources are available in most libraries but proper management is where problems lie. The major  methods  of  acquisition  are   donation/gift  and  standing  order  deposit  for  staff. Classification   is  the  main   method  through  which  grey  literature  is  processed,  while cataloguing, indexing and abstracting are neglected in most cases. It was also found out that the major methods employed by most of the libraries for preserving grey literature are the use of shelves  with  labels and vertical files collection  with content descriptions.  The popular access points are print lists and shelf guides. Some of the challenges encountered with the management and accessing of grey literature resources in the area include lack of national bibliography  for grey literature,  as well as unwillingness  of originating  bodies to release copies of documents which topped the list. Strategies itemized for improving management of grey literature resources include; provision of national bibliography,  policy statements and adequate fund for acquisition and digitization of  the resources.  Based on these, the study recommends  for the provision  of a national  bibliography  for grey literature,  good policy statements for acquisition and use of grey literature, digitization of the resources, as well as government/institutions/libraries  voting  adequate  fund  for  acquisition  of  grey  literature, especially electronic resources.




Background of the Study

Gyasi (2003) defines literature in its broad sense as ‘anything that is written’, while Rees (2007) sees it in the narrow sense of ‘writing which expresses and communicate thought, feelings and attitudes towards life. Literature is thus summed up as permanent expression(s) in words (written or spoken), especially arranged in pleasing and accepted pattern or forms. In an information generating society, written literature in various forms is generated on daily basis by individuals, corporate bodies, academic institutions, e.t.c. Many of these are either unconventionally published or not published but exist and are used frequently. These forms can be appropriately termed grey (or gray) literature.

The earliest authorities in the area of grey literature such as Chilag (1982) and Wood (1984), defined grey literature as all categories of unconventionally published material. On the other hand, Auger (1989) sees it as semi-published literature which is not formally listed or priced, but is nevertheless in circulation. Collectively the term covers  an  extensive  range   of  materials   that  cannot  be  found   easily  through conventional  channels  such  as  publishers,  but  which  are  frequently  original  and usually recent. According to Alberani (1990), grey literature publications  are non- conventional, fugitive and often ephemeral. The Third International Conference on Grey Literature (ICGL) held in Luxembourg in 1997, as reported  in Aina (2000), unanimously came up with the definition of grey literature as that information material which is produced by government, academics, business and industries both in print

and electronic formats but which is not controlled by commercial publishing interests


and where publishing is not the primary activity of the organisation. Weintraub (2010) adopts the pattern of ICGL Luxembourg and refers to grey literature as publications issued by government, academia, business, and industry, in both print and electronic formats, but not controlled by commercial publishing interests, and where publishing is not the primary business activity of the organisation. Hirtle (1991) identifies grey literature as the quasi-printed reports, unpublished but circulated papers, unpublished proceedings of conferences, printed programs from conferences, and the other non- unique  material,  which  seem  to  constitute  the  bulk  of  our  modern  manuscript collections.

In the context of this study, grey literature may be defined as recorded information  resources  of various   media and  format,  that are unconventionally or semi-conventionally published  and often not formally listed or priced or available through normal bookselling channels. For clear understanding and distinguishing of grey literature from other types of literature in this study, the following characteristics of grey literature elucidated by Omeje (2010) are adopted:

i-        They are unconventionally published.

ii-  They  are  not  usually  available  through  the  conventional  sources  of  book supply.

iii- They are not covered by secondary bibliographic  services such as indexes, abstracts and bibliographies.

iv- They are difficult to find and acquire.

v-  They   contain   original   information   (i.e.   they   are   primary   sources   of information).

The University of New South Wales (UNE) Home Library (2012) contends that the term grey literature is often attached to the research that is either unpublished or has  been  published  in  non-commercial  form  which  include:  government  reports, policy statements  and  issues  papers,  conference  proceedings,  pre-prints  and  post- prints of articles, theses and dissertations, research reports, market reports, working papers, geological and geophysical surveys, maps, newsletters and bulletins and, fact sheets.   It   identifies   academics,   postgraduate   students,   government   agencies, professional associations, pressure groups, private companies, and research institutes as some of the sources of grey literature.  In  recent  years, technical and  scientific literature has continued to grow. The grey literature reports now come from many different avenues. The following types of organizations issue grey literature: associations, churches (including Mosques), county councils, educational establishments,  federations,  institutes,  institutions,  laboratories,  libraries, museums, private publishers, research establishments, societies, trade unions, trusts and universities. This list has been copied directly from Charles Augur (1989) seminal book, Information Sources in grey literature (page 22).

According to Alberani (1990), grey literature publications include but are not necessarily limited to the following types of materials: reports (pre-prints, preliminary progress and advanced reports, technical reports, statistical reports, memoranda, state- of-the art reports, market research reports), theses, conference proceedings, technical specifications  and standards,  non-commercial  translations,  bibliographies,  technical and commercial documentation, and official documents not published commercially; primarily government reports and documents. Others are consultancy reports, annual reports,   panel   reports,   seminar   or   workshop    reports,   pamphlets,   handouts,

students/staff’s  project works e.t.c. Scientific  grey literature comprises  newsletters, reports, working papers, theses, government documents, bulletins, fact sheets, conference proceedings and other publications distributed free, available by subscription, or for sale at a token price.

An   increasingly  important   source   of  grey   literature   is  the   institutional repositories on web being created by universities world-wide. Most institutional repositories collect grey literature written by academics at their institutions. Electronic communication is changing the notion of grey literature which is expanding to include e-mails,  faxes,  blog  postings,  wikis  and  podcasts  (HLwiki,  2012).  An  increasing amount of grey literature is now available on the Web in the form of Adobe Acrobat (PDF) documents. This means that it is relatively easy to find recent grey literature using a simple Google search. Weintraub (2010) referred to earlier also observed that in today’s electronic information environment, the Internet has become a major source for dissemination and retrieval of grey literature and often serves as a user’s initial introduction to a topic area. He notes further that well designed Web sites give users access to a body of digitally produced grey literature that complements the existing body of print materials, and that such web sites are a major source of information retrieval and dissemination such that there is a growing acceptance of references to relevant Web sites in scholarly papers and journal articles.

Grey literature materials are valuable information resources. One of the values of grey literature is its immense value of being a primary source of information. In other  words  the  information  contained  in  it  is  original  (i.e.  directly  from  the originator-producer). Grey literature, as highlighted by Kwafo-Akato (1988), contains information which is vital in a nation’s socio-economic plan. A report to document the

findings of a small survey on the availability of academic grey literature to Small And Medium Sized Enterprises in the UK (SMEs) made the key finding that SMEs require grey literature for practical benefits like using resources and university facilities as well as training opportunities and scouting for potential recruits. (JISC Scholarly Communications Report, 2008). Grey literature is often the best source of up-to-date research on certain topics, such as rural poverty or the plight of homeless people in Sydney. (The UNE Home Library, 2012).

Grey literature may be of questionable relevance or quality but may still have an impact on research, teaching and learning especially in tertiary institution of study (The wiki index, 2011), So much of it is highly intellectual  and is significant  for research and development in many subject areas. According to Aina (1994) and Auger (1998) studies have revealed that many researchers in basic and applied science use a high proportion of grey literature. They  go further to state that over the years, grey literature has come to constitute a section of publications ranking in importance with journals, books, and serials. Among other reasons cited for this are its greater speed and flexibility of dissemination.

Grey literature has manifestly been a very important means of communication. Augur  (1989) recalls  that ‘‘Grey literature  was  for many years  synonymous  with reports literature. At the turn of the 21st  century, documents coming out of research and development, particularly from the aircraft and aeronautics industries, were a very important means of communicating  the results of research  testing’’.  White (1984) observes that the hallmark of the Second World War was the development of technologically-advanced  weaponry,  from  sophisticated  tanks to the atomic bomb. These  breakthroughs  in  science  made  accurate  and  speedy  communications   a

necessity. The technical report was then widely used to disseminate information. The one thing that made grey literature so attractive and enabled it to attain its importance as a separate medium of communication was an initial need for security or confidentiality of information which prevent documents being published in the conventional manner.

The importance of grey literature lies in its ability to communicate complex information in simple terms and to disseminate results more quickly. Much of the grey literature is derivative and designed to make technical material or research findings easily understood by a lay audience. For example, policy briefs, issue briefs, and fact sheets are often produced by summarizing more technical reports. They are also a way for  organisations  to  get  results  out  to  their  target  audience  more  quickly.  Grey literature  has  long-term  value,  particularly because  it provides  policy context  and implications  that  may not  be  found  in  the  published  literature.  In  fact,  advisory committee members of United State National Library of Medicine believe that the value of grey literature is at par with that of traditional published  literature (U.S. National  Library  of  Medicine,  2008).  Grey  literature  often  is  used  to  establish historical documentation. The progress of a document from draft to its finished form can sometimes be as valuable  as the finished product, and the various drafts of a document can fill in gaps in the historical record.

Grey literature  provides  citizens  with the information  they require to make decisions about their lives and the societies in which they live. Whether individuals are taking a trip, conducting a study, buying an appliance, treating an illness, repairing machinery,  joining  an  archaeological  dig  or  a  host  of  other  activities  that  they experience as part of their daily lives, grey literature will continue to serve as a source

of information that is consulted most often (Mukhtar, 2009). Grey literature that is more desirable in print such as handbooks, repair manuals, consumer product ratings, tourist guides, and other resources  that we usually take with  us and  consult on a regular basis, are likely to continue being issued in print format as long as the demand exists. Weintraub (2010) argues that in a world in which free trade and instantaneous communication  have  eliminated  many  of  the  barriers  to  information  flow,  grey literature is gaining greater importance as a source of information for much of the world’s  population.  It  is  now  an  indispensable  resource  for  an  informed  and enlightened public and will undoubtedly continue to serve as a necessary supplement to   journal   literature   well   into   the   future. Apparently,   effective   and   efficient management of these resources is what is now required.

Aina (2004) defines management as a concern  mainly with the human  and material resources, activities and tasks of an organisation. He stressed that the overall objective in the management of organisation is to produce the best result within the resources available to the organisation. Management in this study means acquisition (collection), processing (registering, accessioning, organising) preserving and dissemination of grey literature resources in libraries. Organising here involves cataloguing, classifying, indexing and abstracting of grey literature.

A library is a collection  of books  as well as non-book materials organised systematically to ease access. Arua (1997) defines library as ‘‘a collection of books and related materials housed, organized for access and made available for use.’’ Apparently, there are different types of libraries performing different functions according to their types, such as the academic,  school, public, private and special libraries.

Academic generally refers to issues pertaining to educational institutions; primary, secondary or tertiary level. Strictly, it is limited only to the affairs of tertiary institutions such as universities, colleges of educations, polytechnics and other post- secondary schools. Based on these the term ‘‘academic library’’ refers to libraries of tertiary institutions  such  as universities,  colleges  of education,  polytechnics,  e.t.c. Similarly,  Ekere (2010) describes academic library as any library attached  to post secondary or tertiary institutions.

The main purpose of academic libraries is to support the actulisation of the objectives of the institutions they serve. Consequently, university library is to support the objectives of the university, which is to promote teaching, learning, research and community services.   College libraries are expected to support the major objectives of the college, which is to provide instructional materials that support training of highly skilled middle-level manpower. The services of academic libraries broadly are: user education   (orientation/   instruction)   services   for   the   users;   inter-library   loan/ connection  services  by organising  library network  to ensure  users having  enough materials;  abstracting  and  indexing  services  to  enable  users  identify  and  locate materials relevant to their work; bibliographic services to enable users locate library materials easily and quickly; cataloguing services to enable users identify and locate library collections; reference services to assist users in searching for and retrieving appropriate/ required materials; information services to users who require information for meeting their needs; and circulation services, which comprise services such as users registration, charging and discharging, shelf guide/marks, bindery, photocopying/reprographic,  library displays,  computer/online  services  and,  current awareness services (CAS). These services are provided with the use of information

resources  including  literature  in  various  fields  of  interest  among  which  is  grey literature.

However, some general problems with management of grey literature should be discussed. Grey literature resources are produced in high number in Nigerian tertiary institutions, governmental  and non-governmental  organisations but yet, they are in limited circulation even within the institutions where they are produced. This may be as a result of incapability of libraries of such institutions in making available grey literature. However, the incapability of libraries in making available grey literature may have link with the nature of grey literature production and accessibility. Since grey literature is published largely by people or organisations who do not have publishing  as  their  primary  activity,  such  catalogues  showing  particular  items produced over a particular period of time are usually non-existent. Grey literature is historically difficult to identify because much of it is unindexed or unpublished (often both), and it is often locked deep within the ‘hidden or invisible’ web (Hlwiki, 2012). Grey literature should be a resource offered and sought on a far wider scale but the nub is discoverability. The major problem militating against acquisition of grey literature is where to locate their producers to subscribe and maintain the subscription.

Grey literature resources are mostly presented in substandard formats; this does not mean that they are substandard but the necessary technical detail of publishing for cataloguing and classifying library materials are lacking. The result is that such materials   rarely  receive   proper   treatment   in   the   library.   This   obviously   has implications   for   their   storage,   organisation   and   accession.   Attached   to   the management challenges is the problem of fund constraints and management/staff’s attitudinal problem. Many libraries are inadequately funded, this does not warrant

expenses incurred in making available and managing grey literature resources. Even Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) that do buy journals are severely restricted because they can’t afford to buy as many as they would like (JISC Scholarly Communications Report, 2008). Although some grey literature resources are freely available in our society, the associated expenses in acquiring them are not catered for in most libraries.

In Nigeria, there are archival centres at federal and state levels designated to the collection of archival records emanating from their localities. Although this effort is quite commendable but management practices is what is then questionable. The collections here should have been properly managed, and these centres should have keep in touch with academic institutions/libraries within their locations for symbiotic benefits, because majority of scholarly grey literature resides at tertiary institutions. But the reality is that there are no connections among these sectors and this invariably affects the use of grey literature resources in Nigeria. For example, projects, thesis, dissertations,  conference/technical  papers  and  communiqués  are  generated  year  in year out in Nigerian tertiary institutions but there no proper channels of liking these with major users. Findings of projects like this should be communicated to the studied area for the benefit  of them.  In  Nigerian,  there should be a body coordinated  by Ministry of Education or National Library of Nigeria, with the purpose of reviewing the projects produced in tertiary institutions within the country, repackaging them and linking them with major users, but this system is not in place.

With regards to grey literature management, academic libraries in Nigeria are perhaps left behind when compared with their overseas counterparts. While a majority of scholarly grey literature resides at tertiary institutions in Nigeria, collection and

management practices of the academic libraries of these institutions are questionable. The research conducted by Omeje (1997) on the availability and management of grey literature  for agricultural  research  in Nigerian  university libraries  discovered  poor availability of grey resources in Nigeria university libraries. Moreover, there is no reliable  method  for the acquisition,  processing  and  preservation  of grey literature resources. Few libraries give full cataloguing and provide subject access entries for grey resources. This situation may not be far fetching from what exist in academic libraries in Niger state. The six academic libraries of the popular tertiary institutions in Niger state,  namely;  FUT, Minna, IBB  University,  Lapai,  FCE,  Kontagora,  COE, Minna, Federal Polytechnic, Bida and State Polytechnic, Zungeru are expected to have sizeable number of grey literature materials to satisfy the demand of their clients who produce and demand high part of the materials. If this is the case, proper management of grey literature in this area is paramount.

Statement of the Problem

Grey literature communicates complex information in simple terms and disseminates results more quickly. It is designed in some cases, to make technical material or research findings easily understood by a lay audience. For example, policy briefs, issue briefs, and fact sheets are often produced by summarizing more technical reports and providing context. Grey literature has the potential to complement and communicate findings to a wider audience. Grey Literature has an impact in research, teaching and learning mostly done in institutions where academic libraries situated. It is occasionally the only source of information for specific research questions. Researchers use grey literature as a resource to support their research, as well as to identify funding priorities. Grey literature resources are issued and used by academic

and non academic staff of tertiary institutions, and students alike, for communication, interaction, and framework for writing research and also as a means of communicating findings to the audience. In this regard, the need for effective management of grey literature in these academic libraries is imperative as it is the only way of facilitating access and use of grey resources that support research, teaching, learning and services in these institutions.

The dangers of poor management and use of grey literature resources is felt from  its importance  as a medium  of complementing  and  communicating  research findings to a wider audience. The universities and colleges activities may be hampered as a result of poor management of these important resources.

Regrettably, poor management of grey resources in the academic libraries elsewhere  has  created  an  information  gap  between  the  researchers  and  end  users thereby limiting the communication  and use of research findings. Similarly, los of primary sources of information, a break in interconnection of material publication, los of history of production that cannot be encompassed in the published copy, denying of social interactions and academic exchange of ideas are likely dangers posed by poor management of grey literature. There is a tendency that these dangers are felt in the tertiary institutions in Nigeria, with particular reference to Niger state institutions. Regrettably, a study that investigates this situation in academic libraries in Niger state has not been carried out at this particular period as it was done in other geographical areas  of  Nigeria.  It  is  in  this  regard,  that  the  study  intends  to  investigate  the management of grey literature in academic libraries in Niger state, Nigeria.

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this study is to investigate the management and use of grey literature in academic libraries in Niger state. Specifically, the study attempts to:

i.       Identify types of grey literature provided for management in academic libraries in Niger state.

ii.     Examine methods of acquisition of grey literature in the libraries. iii.      Investigate methods of processing of grey literature in the libraries. iv.      Determine methods of preservation of grey literature in the libraries.

v.     Identifying means through which grey literature are accessed in the libraries.

vi.     Ascertain the challenges encountered in the management of grey literature in the libraries.

vii.     Identify  strategies  for  improving  the  management  of  grey  literature  in  the libraries.

Research Questions

The study is guided by the following research questions:

i.     What types of grey materials are available in academic libraries in Niger state?

ii.       What methods are employed in the acquisition of grey literature in academic libraries in Niger state?

iii.     How are the grey literature processed in these academic libraries?

iv.     In what ways are the grey literature preserved in these academic libraries?

v.     How are the grey literature accessed in these academic libraries?

vi.     What  are  the  challenges  encountered  in  the  management  of  grey  in  these academic libraries?

vii.     What are the strategies for improving the management of grey literature in these academic libraries?

Significance of the Study

The study will be of immense significance to library administrators, librarians, teachers, students, educational institutes (private and official), educational administrators, curriculum planners and researchers and the general society.

The most fundamental of this study is that it presents the actual situation with regards to management and use of grey literature in academic libraries in Niger state. Challenges and strategies for overcoming such challenges facing grey literature management and use were also exposed. This will go a long way in guiding library administrators in issues regarding grey literature management.

The  study is expected  to  enlighten  librarians,  teachers  and  students  on  the existing  potentialities  of  grey  literature  as  an  alternative  to  costly  and  scarcely published  books  and  periodicals.  The  research  will be of immense  importance  to Educational institutes (private and official), educational administrators and curriculum planners in finding ways of incorporating grey literature production and use in educational system to fast tract the developments in education and in our nation.

The  research  will  be  useful  to  library  users  as  it  exposes  values  of  grey literature and specialised strategies needed to facilitate identification and retrieval of grey literature in the libraries so as to reduce time and effort applied by the users in locating unorganized grey literature, thereby facilitating its use.

Information  contains  in  this  research  will  help  individuals  and  society  in general with ways of managing and using grey literature resources in and around locality. This work will add to the already existing literature on grey literature and will

provide framework for students and researchers who may carry out further or related research.

Scope of the Study

The scope of this study is on the management and use of grey literature in academic libraries in Niger state comprising universities, polytechnics and colleges’ libraries. Specifically it covers types of grey literature, methods of acquisition, processing (organisation) and preservation. Use of grey literature, management challenges and strategies for overcoming such challenges were also covered in this study. The population of this study covers both librarians and library officers working in the area.

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