The study determined the effect ofguided-discovery method on students’ academic achievement, interest and retention in financial accounting in Colleges of Education in North West, Nigeria. The study adopted quasi-experimental research design. The population for the study comprised
667 NCE I students ofef
ring financial accounting in nine Colleges of Education in North West,
Nigeria. Random sampling technique was used to select Federal College ofEducation, Kano and Kaduna State College of Education, Gidan-Waya, Kafanchan. 80 financial accounting students from KSCOE, Gidan-waya and 60 financial accounting students in FCE Kano were used. The criteria for selecting the two Colleges of Education was based on colleges of education with approvedfinancial accounting programme with final account ofsmall scale enterprise, qualified financial accounting lecturers, and approved required facilities. The instrument for data collection was a 45-item multiple choice Financial Accounting Achievement Test (FAAT) and Financial Accounting Interest Inventory Scale (FAIIS). The instruments were subjected to face and content validation by three experts. The reliability of the instrument was determined using K-R-20 and Cronbach Alpha coefficient formula which yielded a reliability coefficient of 0.98 and 0.91 respectively after administering the instrument on Federal College ofEducation Zaria. Before the commencement of the experiment, all students in experimental and control groups were subjected to pre-test in order to obtain the pre-test scores for the study. On completion of the experiment, the post-test was administered with the post post-test scores collected two weeks after the post-test. The data collected were analyzed using mean to answer the research questions while ANCOVA statistic were used for testing the null hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. Based on the analysed data and the interpretation, the study found that guided• discovery method significantly increased students’ academic achievement, interest and knowledge retention in trading accounting, profit and loss account and balance sheet of small scale enterprises. There was a significant difference in the mean achievement scores ofstudents taught with guided-discovery method and those taught with conventional method. Based on the findings of the study, it was recommended, among others, that seminars, workshops and conferences should be organized by educational administrators and the ministry of education where colleges of education lecturers will be trained on the application of guided-discovery method for effective teaching and learning of financial accounting. Lastly it was further recommended that colleges of education lecturers should be encouraged and sponsored for in• service training for skills update in the use of modern and students-centred methods of instruction such as guided-discovery.
Background of the Study
The need for individuals, government and business organizations to account for their incomes and expenditures has become more important in this period of economic competitiveness. The knowledge of financial accounting tends to help individuals to account for their incomes and expenditures. Effective knowledge and skill of financial accounting can be acquired through proper teaching of the course by making use of appropriate teaching methods. Financial accounting is one of the courses offered in business education in tertiary institutions such as Universities, Polytechnics and Colleges of Educations. It is offered in the Department of Business Education in Colleges of Education (COE) in Nigeria.
Financial accounting has been defined by different authors. Osuala (2000) stated that, financial accounting is the process of capturing, processing, and communicating financial information of a business enterprise. Lewis and Pendrill (2000) stated that financial accounting is the process of identifying, measuring, and communicating economic information to permit informed judgment and decisions by the users of the information. Auwal (2013) explained that financial accounting is directly related to external reporting, by providing investors and other outsiders with financial information they need for decision-making. Udoh (2011) also defined financial accounting as a specialized area of instruction that deals directly with business facts, business understanding, economic understanding, business attitudes, and appreciation necessary to understand and adjust to the economic and social institutions called business. Financial accounting in this study is an area of instruction that provides the individual with the knowledge,
skill and attitudes to collect, record, analyze, interpret and communicate financial data to the users.
The objectives of financial accounting, according to Osuala (2009), are: to learn how to keep better records for personal and home use; to study financial accounting records and reports as an integral part of the function of business enterprises; to understand the concepts of assets, liabilities and proprietorship so that the fluctuation in business cycle may be correctly interpreted, and to interpret and analyze business papers and records in terms of customer among others. According to Wood and Sangster (2008), the functions of financial accounting include that it is useful in calculating profit, in credit clearing, and as a tool of control, planning, financial position and provision of necessary information for taxation.
Financial accounting also helps individuals to account for their mcome, record their assets, enable companies to account to their shareholders, governmental agencies and the general public; government use it as a basic tool for controlling their resources. Financial accounting is essential to the successful operation of a business and non-profit organization such as social, voluntary and religious organizations and voters who make decisions at the ballot box using accounting concepts (Igben, 2007). Financial accounting is important to both big and small organizations, government as well as individuals in their economic activities that involve money and monetary transactions with one another (Osuala, 2009). Therefore the knowledge of financial accounting would enable individuals and business organizations to keep accurate records of their financial transactions.
Financial accounting is also globally useful most especially in international trade where business transactions in the international market is recorded, analyzed and interpreted for the
parties concerned (Osuala, 2009). However, no matter how good the objectives of financial accounting may be, it cannot be automatically realized except it is effectively taught and learnt.
Effective teaching means making use of the appropriate pedagogies to transmit the knowledge and skills to students. The ultimate goal of any instructional activity in both formal and informal education is to assist the learner to learn. However, to achieve this, appropriate teaching methods and approaches that encourage students’ participation should be used. According to Osuala (2009), approaches are means by which the teacher introduces the subject to students of financial accounting, and these approaches are; journal approach, balance sheet approach and the ledger approach. However, according to Osuala (2009) method is the procedure by which the teacher meets the learner within his level, starting with his interest and problems. Osuala (2009) added that methods are used to help students learn facts, concepts, skills, and acquire knowledge in financial accounting. Some teaching methods that are commonly used are: the demonstration, the lecture, discussion, cooperation, individual and group, field trips, project and the Socratic methods. These methods can be individually or collectively used to develop the intellectual understanding of the students in financial accounting. But none of this method can individually be used to assist students to learn skills in financial accounting.
Osuala (2009) observed that there are two basic facts in choosing and using methods in teaching financial accounting; the first fact is that financial accounting is comprised of both knowledge and skill, the second fact is that no single method is best for all students. Therefore, methods that can help students build analytical and synthesis skills, apply concepts, learn to solve problems, develop mature judgment, enhance communication skills, and retain information should be encouraged for use in teaching financial accounting (Auwal, 2013). Some of the conventional or traditional methods such as lecture, demonstration, team teaching, discussion,
and textbook methods seem to have been encouragmg rote learning and memorization of concepts without actually exposing students to challenges that will make them to be actively engaged in the learning process. The over reliance on these methods do not really encourage students’ academic achievement, interest and retention (Sanni and Ochepa, 2002). Therefore, there is need to embrace innovative methods and techniques that encourage students’ participation in the learning process. Guided-discovery method is an innovation technique that could be used in teaching financial accounting due to its student- centered approach. It is hoped that if effectively utilized, it could facilitate the learning of Financial Accounting and increase students’ interest and retention.
Modem methods of teaching financial accounting do not just stress the importance of financial accounting entries in the books of accounts, calculating profit and loss, cash flow and so on, but includes teaching for critical thinking, teamwork, communication, ethical awareness, technological competence and independent learning which could be achieved through guided• discovery method (Jayaprakash, 2005). According to Messial (1991), guided -discovery is a process of self-learning whereby students generate concepts or principles and ideas with very little intervention from the teacher. The author indicated that it takes place in problem solving situations where the learner draws on his own experience and prior knowledge. Tenanbaum (2011) added that guided-discovery learning tasks can range from implicit pattern detection, to the elicitation of explanations and working through manuals to conducting simulations. It can occur whenever students are not provided with an exact answer but rather the materials in order to find the answer themselves. Operationally, guided-discovery is an inquiry approach that enables the student of financial accounting to independently discover information or knowledge that can help him in problem-solving.
Guided-discovery is one of the constructivist based learning approach in education, which emphasis on reflecting on past experiences; students construct their understanding of the world and generate their own rules and mental model that can be used to make sense of their experiences (Norman, 2014). In order for students to construct their own meaning, they must be allowed to independently discover their concepts, knowledge and then make their understanding. Therefore guided-discovery as a constructivist approach helps students to personalize concepts which can enable them create understanding by using any method of instruction. The role of the teacher in this case, is to guide the students towards the discovery of information. According to Norman (2014), the discovery can be done by providing appropriate materials, a conducive learning environment, and allotting of time for students to discover. The teacher can also set the students up to make the desired discovery. This can be done by providing the necessary background knowledge to lead the students to the discovery; also the student must realize the methods to be used to make discovery. To encourage the student, the teacher may demonstrate what the students are expected to do. Guided-discovery teaching method can effectively be used in teaching final accounts of small scale enterprises. The final account of small scale enterprises is one of the topics in financial accounting taught in colleges of education.
Small Scale Enterprise is a concept that is being used by government to encourage youths to be self-reliant. It is defined as a business enterprise with an asset base of N5m with a minimum labour force of 11 persons (CBN, 2015). Small scale enterprises play very important role in national economy. One of the reasons responsible for the failure of small scale enterprises is lack of proper keeping of financial records (Kambwale, Chisom and Korodia, 2015). According to the authors, small scale enterprises fail because of poor financial record keeping. For the survival of small scale enterprises, effective record keeping, analysis and interpretation
of final accounts need to be maintained. The topics covered in the final accounts of a small scale enterprise includes; trading, profit and loss account, balance sheet and the adjustment in the final accounts of a small scale enterprise. The topic is one of the topics students found difficult to solve. The researcher established this through his experience in teaching the course, and also his preliminary investigation from other colleges of education in North-West Nigeria. Most students dodge any question on final accounts of a small scale enterprise, and when made compulsory poor marks are usually recorded in the question. However, this may be that the teachers mostly teach the topics using conventional method such as lecture method. This method has some shortcomings which are bordering on the fact that they are teacher-centred, teacher-active, learner-passive and content emphasis. This could affect the students’ interest in the subject. The availability of learning facilities and conducive learning environment may motivate students’ interest in learning financial accounting in Colleges of Education.
Interest, in a classroom setting, is required to meet students’ intellectual and emotional needs. Lee, Chao and Chen (2011) opined that interest can never be imposed on an individual by external forces, but a teacher can help increase the students’ interest. The authors further explained that, interest can be generated in a classroom by selecting well-compiled teaching materials, selecting teaching materials that are full of variation and liveliness, selecting teaching materials that students have pre-requisite knowledge of, encouraging students to be active participating learners, giving hints/reminders relevant to students; putting to use ideas of novelty and variation; and helping the students set an example by showing passion and interest about what is being taught. However, Chang (1996) explained that interest has two meaning which involves: an individual’s internal orientation when he/she expresses the choice of someone or something and, the difference between interest and motives which causes change in an
individual’s behaviors. Operationally, interest is grappmg of students’ attention mn financial accounting during an instruction through interactive approaches. An individual can develop interest when he possesses autonomy over a learning task, and able to strengthen his/her internal motives to increase active participation when it comes to self-decision and control-oriented task (Chang, 1996). Students’ lack of interest in a subject can be exhibited through lack of enthusiasm about knowledge and some disappointing class behaviors such as sleeping, becoming distracted, chatting, passing notes and eating while lecture is on. Study by Lee, Choa and Chan (2011) noted that motivating students’ interest in learning and encouraging them to spend more time on school work is a problem, but a teacher’s good attitude plays an integral part in the effort to improving students’ unwillingness to participate in class. The teachers’ ability to manage his class effectively, providing good teaching pattern and strategies may develop the interest of the students. This study is set to find out whether interest of financial accounting students can be improved through guided discovery method of teaching. Whenever a student interest is motivated, the student will be able to performed academically in financial accounting
Academic achievement is the measure of students’ performance in a class work. It is often affected by several factors. Artherton (2003) opined that academic achievement is hinged on several factors including teaching methods, intelligence, background, organization, opportunity, motivation, instructional procedures, teaching aids, interest of the learner and other environmental factors. Other factors include learner’s mental ability, his goals and purposes, his identification with learning, his maturation and method of guidance, availability of facilities and methods of evaluation. According to Rothstein (2000), academic achievement is the accomplishment or performance in a particular subject. It is indicated by grades, marks, and scores of descriptive commentaries. Rothstein further stated that academic achievement also
refers to how students deal with their studies and how they cope with or accomplish different tasks given to them by their teachers in a fixed time or academic year. Academic achievement means the success made by a student in school work. In this study, academic achievement is the success made by students of financial accounting denoted with scores and grades. Several studies have come out with factors that affect students’ academic achievement. Ugwuogo (2000) enumerated some of the factors to include; social factors, impacting stress factors, attitude of the students, and level of students’ intelligence, teaching method, personality trait, and knowledge retention.
Gaines (2001) defined retention as the ability of the students to be able to recall knowledge acquired after a teaching process. Gaines observed that one of the most important factors in the classroom is retention of the concepts that are taught. Auwal (2013) observed that when students serve as passive spectators in the classroom, it may encourage a drop in attention and decrease their retention of knowledge. Retention in the context of this study is the ability of the students to store and recall financial accounting knowledge or information taught through an instructional process. The incorporation of student-centered methods which require interactive participation of students will serve as a viable way to avoid a drop in student retention. According to Auwal (2013), students appear to benefit from knowing how to execute a strategy, knowing why the strategy works and knowing where strategy works. Honestly, students will best learn if they realize how the concepts are directly applied to their future life. It is believed that contextualized learning holds promise for improving a student’s ability to synthesize information from desperate sources; for furthering understanding of new and sometimes contradicting data;for enhancing one’s ability to think critically and transfer learning to future life experience (Allen, Abaye, McKenna and Camp, 2007). The strategies that have been proven to increase
memory retention are; reception, conscious effort, accountability, exercise, routines, colors, pictures, food that may affect one’s meaningfulness (Gaines, 2001). To promote memory retention in the classroom, Gaines further emphasized that factual information and documented information be given to students. Gaines also maintained that if the teacher desires to help students retain information, then the appropriate methods that encourage students’ active participation should be used. Such methods should normally include innovative methods that are student-centered such as the guided-discovery method which is based on the constructivist theory. This work is also set to finding out the effect of guided-discovery teaching on students’ knowledge retention in financial accounting.
This study is anchored on constructivist theory developed by Bruner in the 1960s. The theory explains that practice in discovery teaches one to acquire information in a way that makes information more readily viable in problem solving. According Bruner (1967), problem solving takes place in situations where the learner draws on his past experiences and existing knowledge to discover facts and relationships and new truths to be learned. As a result, students may be more likely to remember concepts and knowledge discovered on their own (Bruner, 1967). The theory is applicable to this study because of its self- discovery emphasis which guided-discovery is situated upon. The use of guided discovery method will likely contribute positively to the academic achievement, interest and knowledge retention of students in financial accounting in colleges of education.
College of education is a tertiary institution or post-secondary institution in Nigerian education system. Aliyu (2001 ), outlined the objectives of tertiary institutions including colleges of education to include: the acquisition, development and inculcation of the proper value• orientation for the survival of the individual and society; the development of the intellectual
capacities of individuals to understand and appreciate their environments; the acquisition of both physical and intellectual skills which will enable individuals to develop into useful members of the community; and the acquisition of an objective view of the world and external environments. Colleges of education play the role of the production of middle level personnel for commerce, industry, agriculture, health and teaching.
Colleges of education are established with the main purpose of training teachers for the growing numbers of primary and post primary institution in Nigeria. According to the national council for colleges of education (2012), the philosophy of the Nigeria certificate in education (vocational technical education), which is awarded by Colleges of Education is to provide technical and vocational teachers with the intellectual and professional background that is adequate for teaching technical and vocational subjects and to make them adaptable to any changing situation in technological development not only in the country but also in the world at large. Colleges of education are the first tier of tertiary institutions in Nigeria which run regular teachers training and development programs as structured to strike a balance between the knowledge of the subject matter and the instructional methodologies. Federal government and state government own and run colleges of education. Some of these colleges of education run business education programmes which financial accounting is a part.
Leaming in Colleges of Education should be designed in such a way that must encourage students’ academic achievement, interest and knowledge retention in courses including financial accounting. However, the poor performance of Colleges of Education students in North-West Nigeria in financial accounting puts a question mark on the lecture method of teaching which is widely used by financial accounting lecturers in the Zone (see Appendix A: 121). The effect of this in financial accounting is that many students graduate with very low grade in the course
while some have to repeat the course several times before passing it. Most of the researcher’s colleagues during his course of interaction with them, attribute this to lack of effective use of appropriate teaching methods. As a result, some students develop high anxiety towards failure in the course that technically makes financial accounting uninteresting and difficult for them to retain information learned. It was also revealed that lecturers lecture students using the conventional lecture methods. A change of strategy in teaching financial accounting in colleges of education, therefore, become necessary, if the objectives of teaching financial accounting in colleges of education are to be achieved. Cantell (2004) maintained that conventional lecture method may not adequately equip teachers with contemporary views of learners’ intelligence and the vast learning ability. Conventional methods mostly adopted by lecturers in Colleges of Education for the teaching of financial accounting may make students lose interest in the subject. This might give rise to negative attitudes such as sleeping during the lesson and avoiding classes. Sharan (2010) noted that the Conventional methods often frustrate students by making learning difficult, disinterested with lower knowledge retention. The pertinent question therefore is; what other teaching method a part from the conventional lecture method would improve students’ academic achievement, interest and knowledge retention in financial accounting? Can guided• discovery method help financial accounting students to increase their academic achievement, interest and knowledge retention in the subject? This study, therefore, investigated the effect of guided discovery method of teaching on Colleges of Education (COE) students’ academic achievement, interest and knowledge retention in financial accounting in North-West Nigeria
Statement of the Problem
National Certificate in Education (NCE) graduates in accounting are expected to have acquired the required knowledge and skills in preparing accounting records and financial statements for small scale enterprises. The NCE accounting graduates are prepared to teach financial accounting in secondary schools, for self-employment or paid employment in the public or private sector. Unfortunately, these objectives are still far from being achieved most importantly when one looks at the performances of NCE financial accounting graduates in their examination.
Most of these graduates do not perform academically up to their abilities. Though some of these students usually pass out successfully from the system, the overall performance of many of them does not always reflect the level expected of them. Many of them are unemployed and a few that managed to be employed are disengaged too early by their employers because of lack of or poor quality of skills. The employers see majority of the graduates as incompetent in the work to which they are employed. Even those that are self-employed have been observed to close down their business as a result of poor patronage occasioned by poor performance.
The poor performance and incompetence of the graduates may be due to the level of instructions they obtained in the colleges. The incompetence of the graduates may also be related to their level of academic performance while they were in the College. For example, the five year summary of results from colleges of education in the North West zone of Nigeria with exception of Kebbi State which does not offer financial accounting in their college shows that most of the students performed below average. The poor performance by students in financial accounting could be due to some certain factors which might include: poor teaching methods and
techniques. It is common place in the Colleges of Education that the students are taught financial accounting courses through the lecture method, which is teacher-centred.
It is worrisome that from literature and observation by the researcher, the teaching of Financial Accounting in many COE especially in the North-West, Nigeria is based more on lecture method. Parents, employers of labour lecturers and researchers are not very certain if this would ne wholly responsible for students’ poor academic achievement in financial accounting. The researcher is posed to ask. Would the adoption of innovative teaching methods that are student-centred yield improvement on students’ academic achievement? It is in view of this concern that is this study was carried out to find out the effect of guided-discovery method on the interest, academic achievement and knowledge retention of COE in Financial Accounting students in North-West Nigeria.
Purpose of the Study
The main purpose of this study is to determine the effects of guided-discovery method on students’ interest, academic achievement and knowledge retention in financial accounting in Colleges of Education (COE) in North West zone. Specifically, the study sought to:
1. determine the difference between effect of guided-discovery method and lecture method on the interest of Colleges of Education (COE) students taught trading account of a Small Scale Enterprise (SSE).
2. determine the difference between effect of guided-discovery method and lecture method on the academic achievement of COE students taught trading account of a SSE
3. determine the difference between effect of guided-discovery method and lecture method on knowledge retention of COE students taught trading account of a SSE
4. determine the difference between effect of guided-discovery method and lecture method on interest of COE students taught profit and loss account of a SSE
5. determine the difference between effect of guided-discovery method and lecture method on academic achievement of COE students taught profit and loss account of a SSE.
6. determine the difference between effect of guided-discovery method and lecture method on knowledge retention of COE students taught profit and loss account of a SSE.
7. determine the difference between effect of guided-discovery method and lecture method on interest of COE students taught balance sheet of a SSE.
8. determine the difference between effect of guided-discovery on academic achievement of COE students taught balance sheet of a SSE.
9. determine the difference between effect of guided-discovery method and lecture method on knowledge retention of COE students taught balance sheet of a SSE.
Significance of the Study
The findings of this study will be of significant benefits to students, teachers, college of education administrators, curriculum planners, government, and national commission for colleges of education and future researchers.
The findings of the study will be of benefit to students because it will enable them to have full understanding of what they were taught, improve their skills and attitude, hence eliminating rote memorization. Similarly, the result of the study will be of benefit to financial accounting teachers because it will expose them to the use of innovative methods in teaching financial accounting for increased achievement, interest and knowledge retention of students in financial accounting. The result will also help the teachers to know their areas of weakness and strength as well as interest and retention level of their students with regard to guided-discovery
method. This can help the teachers to plan their lesson better. It will also help them to know the appropriate teaching methods to adopt at any particular time for any particular topic to meet the learners’ needs and abilities. The teacher will know the necessary instructional materials that will enhance their teaching and make it effective through a student-centred method of teaching. The knowledge of the findings will help the teachers to regularly update themselves with innovative teaching methods such as guided-discovery method.
Furthermore, the findings of this research will also be of immense benefit to curriculum planners who will be stimulated to develop a curriculum that will be relevant to the need of the students, increase their effectiveness and make the learning process become flexible to the students. The findings of the study will assist curriculum planners in the review and update of the curriculum. They will use the knowledge of the findings to include innovative teaching methods in the curriculum.
The findings of this study will be useful to college of education administration when making policies in relation to instructional delivery in financial accounting. The study will also help the college administrators to see the needs to allocate appropriate resources to ensure effective use of students centred instructional methods. The college administration will, based on the result of the study, organize programmes to retrain the financial accounting teachers on the use of innovative method for teaching.
The findings will provide useful information to the national commission for colleges of education (NCCE) on result- oriented methods and strategies that can be used by financial accounting teachers in colleges of education. The information provided by the study will serve as feedback that could be used in drafting policies on instructional methods and strategies for colleges of education in many related subjects. The commission will through the findings of the
study, provide the necessary materials and resources that will help the teachers in the use of innovative methods in the teaching of financial accounting in the colleges.
The findings of this study promote Brunner theory of discovery learning which this study anchored on. The theory states that, practice and self- discovery teaches students to acquire information on their own. The result of this study will also provide opportunities for the application of the theory in colleges of education. The principles of the theory involve the active participation of the learner, and it is capable of arousing the curiosity of the learner as he manipulates certain practical skills.
Researchers will also find the result of this study useful. The results of the study when published will serve as a source of literature to researchers on related studies. The outcome of this study will provide information for qualitative research work to future researchers.
Research Questions
The following research questions guided the study:
1. What is the difference between effect of guided-discovery method and lecture method on interest of Colleges of Education (COE) students taught trading account of a small scale enterprise (SSE)?
2. What is the difference between effect of guided-discovery method and lecture method on academic achievement of COE students taught trading account of a SSE?
3. What is the difference between effect of guided-discovery method and lecture method on knowledge retention of COE students taught trading account of a SSE?
4. What is the difference between effect of guided-discovery method and lecture method on interest of COE students taught profit and loss account of a SSE?
5. What is the difference between effect of guided-discovery method and lecture method on academic achievement of COE students taught profit and loss account of a SSE?
6. What is the difference between effect of guided-discovery method and lecture method on knowledge retention of COE students taught profit and loss account of a SSE?
7. What is the difference between effect of guided-discovery method and lecture method on interest of COE students taught balance sheet of a SSE?
8. What is the difference between effect of guided-discovery method and lecture method on academic achievement of COE students taught balance sheet of a SSE?
9. What is the difference between effect of guided-discovery method and lecture method on knowledge retention of COE students taught balance sheet of a SSE?
The following null hypotheses postulated were tested at 0.05 level of significance.
Ho, There is no significant difference between the post-test mean scores effect of guided• discovery method and lecture method on interest of COE students taught trading account of a small scale enterprise using.
Ho There is no significant difference between the post-test mean scores effect of guided• discovery method and lecture method on achievement of Colleges of Education (COE) students taught trading account of a small scale enterprise.
Ho, There is no significant difference between the post-test mean scores effect of guided• discovery method and lecture method on knowledge retention of COE students taught trading account of a small scale enterprise
Ho, There is no significant difference between the post-test mean scores effect of guided• discovery method and lecture method on interest of COE students taught profit and loss account of a small scale enterprise.
Hos There is no significant difference between the post-test mean scores effect of guided• discovery method and lecture method on achievement of COE students taught profit and loss account of a small scale enterprise
Ho¢ There is no significant difference between the post-test mean scores effect of guided• discovery method and lecture method on knowledge retention of COE students taught profit and loss account of small scale enterprise.
Ho, There is no significant difference between the post-test mean scores effect of guided• discovery method and lecture method on interest of COE students taught balance sheet of small scale enterprise.
Hog There is no significant difference between the post-test mean scores effect of guided• discovery method and lecture method on academic achievement of COE students taught balance sheet of small scale enterprise
Hoo There is no significant difference between the post-test mean scores effect of guided• discovery method and lecture method on knowledge retention scores of COE students taught balance sheet of small scale enterprise
Delimitation of the Study The study is delimited to the investigation of the effect of guided-discovery method on colleges of education students’ interest, academic achievement, and retention in financial accounting. The study used students mean scores from pre-test and post-test to determine the effect of guided-discovery methods on students’ academic achievement, interest and retention in financial accounting. The students were taught and assessed on final accounts of a small scale enterprise. The study also use 100 level NCE students for the experiment. The geographical scope is restricted to nine Colleges of Education in North West Nigeria where Financial Accounting is taught.
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