First and foremost, my gratitude goes to God Almighty, who has been so merciful and generous in my life.
I am highly indebted to my parents who have vowed to leave no stone unturned in their quest to give me formal education. May God bless them.
Last but not the least, when a tedious job has been done, one has to refer back and think who and who contributed towards the success of the job. As a matter of fact, I must acknowledge my debt of gratitude to my project supervisor, Mr./Mrs. ……………………………..without whose diligent guidance and advice this study would not have seen the light of the day.
I also wish to place on record the invaluable help and commitment rendered by my friends and well-wishers for the moral and financial support given to me throughout the course of my study.
My thanks and appreciations go to my senior sister Mrs. ……………………………. and her husband for their financial contributions toward the successful completion of my academic career.
Also I must acknowledge the contribution given to me by …………………………, my greetings extended to him due to his moral assisting, advice, understanding, lovely, caring and financing support through out my academic pursuit.
My sincere thanks go to all those who have assisted me in one way or the other during the collection of materials and data necessary for the research work who in spite of their crowded responsibilities still had time to provide me with a good number of relevant materials for this work.
Finally, my special thanks go to my parents Mr. & Mrs. ………………………… also my humble sisters and brothers for their understanding, love, caring and financial assistance in the time of difficulties throughout the period of my staying in the school.
My prayer is that God will reward those that contributed immensely for me towards this project directly or indirectly.
This project is dedicated to Almighty God, the owner and giver of wisdom and knowledge and to the Holy Spirit, the Great teacher, because man plans his way but, God directs his steps. May his name be highly glorified. Amen.
To review the projects work carry out an investigation of the causes of abandoned public development project in the federal capital territory Abuja case study of federal capital development authority (FCDA)
The project work will covered 34 pages chapter one serves as introduction, statement of research problems, scope and limitations, Aim and objectives and significance of the study.
Chapter two serves as literature review, abandonment, development, development process in building industry project, public sector involvement in housing development and types of public property.
Chapter three serves as methodology, data primary sources, secondary data and limitation.
Chapter four serves as data analysis, respondent views on causes abandonment, respondents views on the effect of abandonment, responandments views on the possible solution abandonment and discussions on the findings.
Chapter five serves as summary recommendations and conclusion, summary, recommendation, conclusion and referee cos.
The continues abandoning of public projects at various levels of development all over the country is of great concern not only to the governments themselves but more to civil servants who are too inadequately accommodated.
In this research work efforts have been made to identify, analyzed and discuss the basic causes of abandonment federal capital development Authority (FCDA) projects.
Chapter one serves as an introduction which outlines the background of the study, statement to the problems, aims / objectives of the study, research questions, significance of the study, scope of and limitations of the study plus overview of the study of the federal capital territory (FCT) Abuja.
Chapter two serves as literature reviews definition of special terms and also into introduces the reader to some housing policies in Nigeria.
The third chapter serves as research methodology where all the sources and method of data collection used in this work are explained.
Chapter four is the core of the research work where data collection from the filed are presented and analyzed.
Title Page
Approval Page
Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
1.2 Statement of the Problem
1.3 Aims / Objectives of the Study
1.4 Research Questions
1.5 Significance of the Study
1.6 Scope and limitations of the study
1.7 Overview of the study
2.0 Literature Review
2.1 Abandonment
2.2 Development
2.3 Development Process in Building Industry
2.4 Project
2.5 Public Sector Involvement in Housing Development
2.6 Types of Public Property
3.0 Methodology
3.1 Data Primary Sources
3.2 Secondary Data
3.3 Limitations
4.0 Data Analysis
- Respondents Views on Causes Abandonment
- Respondents Views on the Effect of Abandonment
4.3 Respondents Views on the Possible Solution Abandonment
4.4 Discussion the Findings
5.0 Summary Recommendations and Conclusion
5.1 Summary
5.2 Recommendation
5.3 Conclusion
5.4 References
Only little portion of government projects are executed by direct labour, while most of the development projects are awarded to contractions.
Public structures have been known to be abandoned in the cause of construction or left to dilapidate after being practically completed.
Incidents of abandoned projects are rampant all over the country e.g. from Enugu to ILorin, port Harcourt to sokoto and Lagos to Maidugwi. Projects of high capital cost. Such as residential buildings, office buildings and even road constructions.
The federal capital territory Abuja was created in 1976 by Decree No6 of that year which was established the federal capital development agency responsible for the design, construction and administration of the territory.
The decree also vested ownership and control for all land in the territory in the federal government of Nigeria. The territory which is located at the centre of the country covers an areas of 8000sqkm.
It is therefore more than twice the land area of Lagos state ( about two-thirds the size of Imo state (13032sq. km).
The federal capital territory itself is designed to cover an area of 256sq. Km or 3% of the total land area of the territory and at full development the city is expected to have a total population of 3.2 million.
In the FCT the duration of sunshine range from 6-8 hours per day in the south and 8-10 hours per day in the North from January to April / may. There is however a steep drop to a mean of about 4 hours per day in the month of July / August largely due to increase in cloud cover it starts again in the month of September.
Abuja, a virgin land with virtually no amenities of any sort before 1976 even where the pioneer civil servants would stay became a test case. Therefore Civil Servants had to stay in scattered level hotels in Suleja for residential accommodation and a borrowed Niger State Housing Estate had to be used as the Head Quarters of the FCDA.
The only road from Suleja to the Linther land of the territory was a colonial narrow tarred road.
FCDA is a parastatals under the Ministry for the Federal Capital Territory (MFCT) responsible for the physical development f the territory.
Under FCDA is the Development of Public Building and Engineering. The development of Public Building is in charges of designing and supervising f buildings while the Engineering Development, takes charge of road, dams and Electrical Services and bridges.
Most projects are executed through contractors while little is done by direct labour.
It has been observed that inspite f the effort put by government to brings to actualization the conception of its projects, public projects are still massively abandoned at different stages of construction.
What are the factors responsible for the abandonment of public projects?
This study is therefore geared towards examining the factors that cause abandonment of public sector development especially FCDA projects.
The aims of this project are to examine the causes and effect f abandoned Public Development Projects in the Federal Capital Territory Abuja.
The above aim was drafted with the following objectives in mind.
- To establish and identify the cause of Abandoned public developmeent project in the Federal Capitals Territory Abuja.
- To investigate the effect of the abandoned public development projects on the livs of the citizens.
- To investigate its effects also on the environment.
- To suggest possible solution to causes of abandonment of public development projects in the Federal Capital Territory Abuja.
- What are the possible causes of abandonment of Federal Capital Development Authority Project?
- What are the possible effect of abandonment of such projects?
- How can abandonment of public development projects be minimized in the Federal Capital Territory Abuja
- What are the possible solutions to abandonment of public development projects in the Federal Capital Territory Abuja.
- It will assist public sector development to avoid abandonment projects.
- It will assist researches on similar topics.
- It will educate the public on abandonment of projects and brief historical background of the FCT.
The scope of this project is only limited to the causes f Abandonment Public Development Project in the Federal Capital Territory Abuja with Federal Capital Development Authority (FCDA) as Area of Concentration (Case study)
The aim of the project is to examine the causes and effect of abandoned public development project in the Federal Capital Territory Abuja. Some of the causes which include inadequate funding or Bankcrupcy, lack of payment, high interest rate, inflation, improper planning, political reasons, delay in payment, corruption, bureacracy and back of special materials having its effect on lowering of living standard of the populace and as well making the environment look ugly among other effects. The chapter two made a reviews of related and relevant literature.
In the chapter three which is the methodology, both primary and secondary sources of data where used the percentage method. In chapter four the data acquired were presented on tables were analysed accordingly.
This material content is developed to serve as a GUIDE for students to conduct academic research
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