The purpose of entrepreneurial training as stipulated by the European Commission 2008, among others include; raising awareness of students about business skills, knowledge, promoting creativity, innovation and self-employment. This calls for entrepreneurial education that will enhance the students upon graduation to be fitted in the dynamic society. This includes the acquisition of skills in areas that will be useful to business students and make them self reliant, independent and productive citizens of the society. This research therefore examines, the concepts of Business education, and the constrain to the teaching of this course in our tertiary institution.
- Background of the study
The quantity of graduate that is chunked out year in year out by higher institution in developed and developing country has become a source of worry as there is no sufficient white collar job to absorbed the population of this young graduates. This has become a source of concern to the education sectors. In view of this challenges, skill acquisition program was introduced to help to solve this problem. According to the National Policy on Education (FRN, 2009), section 5 sub-section 32, higher education should aim at the acquisition, development and inculcation of the proper value orientation for the survival of the individuals and society. The development of the intellectual capacities of individuals to understand and appreciate their environments. The acquisition of an objective view of the local and external environments. In the same vein, section 33 of the policy directs that higher institutions should pursue these goals. Teaching, research, the dissemination of existing and new information, the pursuit of service to the community; and being a store-house of knowledge. Higher institutions such as the University of Nigeria, Nsukka in 1963 started business education which was an aspect of vocational education program which is aimed at imparting the necessary skills, attitudes, abilities and relevant knowledge to individuals to enable them to become gainfully employed in order to be self-reliant and reduce unemployment. Akpotowho and Ugeh (2008) opined that Business Education is an aspect of vocational education which has to do with acquisition of practical skills, attitudes, understanding and knowledge and necessary competencies to perform in the world of work. The following courses are taught in Business education at the university level: accounting, management, marketing and distribution, office, technology, information and communication technology, business law and business communication to mention but a few. The role of Business education as recorded in 1999 constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, in section 16(1) – (3) of chapter 11. Esene (2012) also defined business education as education for and about business or training in business skills and competence required to run businesses successfully without failure. Ekwe (2009) also observed that business education, where it is properly programmed and delivered, can help the recipient to adjust to business environment, and intelligent consumer of goods and services. It can also help to develop an understanding of the nation’s economy, establish small-scale business and run it successfully without failure. In order to achieve these laudable goals of business education, there is a need for proper research program for both lecturers and students. The failure of the standard of education in Nigeria has always been associated with poor administration. Commenting on the failure of curriculum Reforms in Nigeria (CRN) Okwo (2003), blames it on the inability of the initiator to mobilize adequate human, materials and financial resources to prosecute it and inclusion of entrepreneurial program in our educational institutions. Many scholars have written widely on entrepreneurship and its potency to generate employment, thus, underscoring the quintessence, significance and relevance of this sub-sector in the development of any given economy. Steinfioff and Burgers (1993) view entrepreneurship as the ability to develop a new venture or apply a new approach to an old business. According to Gana (2001), entrepreneurship is the ability to seek investment opportunities and persisting to exploit that opportunity. On the other hand, Anayakoha (2006) sees the entrepreneur as one who chooses or assumes risks, identifies business opportunity, gathers resources, initiates actions and establishes an organization or enterprise to meet such demand or market opportunity. Allawadi (2010) describes the carryout of new combinations as “enterprise” and the individual whose function it is to carry them out as “entrepreneur”. He further tied entrepreneurship to the creation of five basic “new combinations” of introduction of a new product, a new method of production, opening a new market, conquest of new source of supply and creating a new organization. Stevenson (2002) defines entrepreneurship as the pursuit of opportunity through innovative leverage of resources that for the most part are not controlled internally. Though, the idea that entrepreneurs are innovators is largely acceptable, it may be difficult to apply the same theory to less developed countries (LDCs). Allawadi (2010) argued that LDCs rarely produce brand new products; rather they imitate products and production processes that have been invented elsewhere in developed countries.
It is no news that the concept of business education was introduced in the country to combat unemployment, and it is also true that the quality of business education is dependent on the quality of the teacher’s technical knowhow. So it is very pertinent for the instructor to have a positive perspective of the instruction that he or she is passing down. It is on this backdrop that the researcher intends to investigate the perception of business educator and the constrain to effective teaching of business education in tertiary institutions in Nigeria.
The main objective of the study is to ascertain the business educator’s perception of the constraints to effective teaching of business education in tertiary institution. But for the purpose of the study the researcher set the following sub-objective to be accomplished
- To ascertain the educators perception of business education
- To ascertain the constraint to teaching of business education
- To ascertain ways of ensuring effective teaching of business education in higher institution
- To ascertain the role of business education in job creation
For the purpose of the study, the following hypotheses were formulated
H0: there is no significant impact of the educator’s perception in teaching of business education
H1: there is significant impact of the educator’s perception in teaching of business education.
H0: business education does not play any significant role in job creation
H2: business education plays a significant role in job creation
It is perceived that at the completion of the study, the findings will be of great importance to the instructors or teachers of business education as the finding will be of great importance to them in reshaping their perception. To study will also be of great importance to the ministry of education in formulation of policy to enhanced effective teaching of business education in our higher institution. The study will also be of value to researcher who intend to carry out study on similar topic as it will serve as a reference point to them. Finally the study will be of great importance to academia’s ad it will add to the pool of knowledge.
The scope of the study covers business educator’s perception of the constraint to effective teaching of business education in tertiary institutions. The researcher encounters some constraints in the course of the study which limited the scope of the study. Some of these constraints are:
- Availability of research material: The research material available to the researcher is insufficient, thereby limiting the study.
- Time: The time frame allocated to the study does not enhance wider coverage as the researcher has to combine other academic activities and examinations with the study.
- Finance: The finance available for the research work does not allow for wider coverage as resources are very limited as the researcher has other academic bills to cover.
Educator: educator is a person (such as a teacher or a school administrator) who has a job in the field of education.
Business education
Business education involves teaching students the fundamentals, theories, and processes of business. Education in this field occurs at several levels, including secondary education and higher education or university education. Approximately 38% of students enroll in one or more business courses during their high school tenure.
Perception is the organization, identification, and interpretation of sensory information in order to represent and understand the environment. All perception involves signals in the nervous system, which in turn result from physical or chemical stimulation of the sense organs. For example, vision involves light striking the retina of the eye, smell is mediated by odor molecules, and hearing involves pressure waves. Perception is not the passive receipt of these signals, but is shaped by learning, memory, expectation, and attention
- Organization of the study
This research work is organized in five chapters for easy understanding as follows Chapter one is concern with the introduction which consist of the (overview, of the study), statement of problem, objectives of the study, research question, significance or the study, research methodology, definition of terms and historical background of the study. Chapter two highlight the theoretical framework on which the study it’s based thus the review of related literature. Chapter three deals on the research design and methodology adopted in the study. Chapter four concentrate on the data collection and analysis and presentation of finding. Chapter five gives summary, conclusion and recommendations made of the study.
This material content is developed to serve as a GUIDE for students to conduct academic research
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