Man in search of comfort struggle to meet up with good career and for this to be achieved, it has to be started as early as possible .From the time man is born, expectations abound to know what likely he will be able to do as he grows up .This has to do with his natural behavior and mental exercise display. This continues in family/parents and other relaxation acting as counseling unit until the child goes in to school. In school the teacher takes over the counseling, it is    a continuous exercise until one finds one‟s feet, then he can continue from there and equally be in a position to guide and counsel others.
The stages where much work is carried out on counseling is in secondary schools.Thisisastagewhenachildisgrowntobeabletounderstandmaturely andwhenthechild‟sattitudeisfullystudiedinlinewithacademicperformance. In all secondary school across the country, there exist a guidance and counselor office where people knowledgeable in  the area of psychology are employed in order  to help advise the younger ones in  school which way forward to their future career. There people through class visitation, Observing students during recreation and calling on them at intervals for questioning, came to know the students betters and be  able to guide and counsel them in their future career probably in university or in any other area of Endeavour.
The job of counseling in secondary school is not an easy job to be taking into considering the number students involved with respect to the number of staff involved. It is always very difficult to handle all the students and to remember everything about the students.  This Counseling exercise needs a sophisticated system for the operation of counseling alliteratessomeofthe problem associated withexercise.
Personalbehaviourandarea ofinterest, they keepvery closemarkswiththe studentstomakesurethatnostoneisleftunturned.Thisaspectofone‟slifeis takenveryseriouslyinschoolsbecausethatismainlythereasonpeoplegoto schoolfor theacademicstestsandexaminationonly.Thebattleof careerchoice is handed over to individualwhen he/she attaina stageofbeing able toductfor himselfwhathe/shereally wantsandhowbestpossibletogetsuchheight.The personcansteer thewheelsdirectly tohisdestinationor deviate inthe otherway duetocarelessness oryouthful exuberance; buttheendjustifies themeans. Sometimes,duetolaxity andincapability onthesideof thecareerguidanceand counsellorinschools,mostof the studentsare ledastray.
Hoyfield(1997)arguesthatagoodcareer inlife,makesalotofmeaningful process in life.Hequeried„‟whatiscomfortandwherecomfortwithouta good career‟‟.Inhisownviews,ittakesalongandroughwaytoarriveandclincha goodcareerbutwhen one finallygetstoit,lifecomestobewhatnature madeit
be.Hemadeitclear andthatlife isassociatedwithagoodcareer and that sucha careeris  whatcangivefullmeaningoflifeapricelessgiftofnature.Statistics showsthatpeoplewhofindgoodcareerareenjoyinghighstandardoflivingand theunluckyonescryof frustrationandnegativessocialfactorsthatlimitslife.
1.1Â Â Â Statement OfThe Problem
The number of students    involved in  schools counsellingare    very enormousandfewstaff incounsellingcannothandle the jobeffectively.
Itisalwaysvery easy toforgetinformationaboutstudentsandtoreachallthe students,contributesandproblems.
Another major problem of the counselling is information storage.The made ofstorage ofinformationobservedfrom the studentsindifferentformsisnot reliableandthismakesthecounsellingtoapply guessworkintryingtodirect studentsintheir future career work.
Thisisaverybigdelayintakingdecisiononstudentsconcerningtheir future career.Thisisalso becausereferencingto studentsinformationfor decision makingtakesaverylongtime.
1.2Â Â Â Aims/Objectives
The primary aim of this projects work is to provide lasting solution to the problem affecting counseling exercise in secondary schools .The following objectives below are the study
ØTomakethecriteria andprocessinvolvedintheexercise ofcounsellingvery easyandflexible
ØTocarefullytakecareoftheburden,thestaff facesintryingtodothework of counsellingmanually.
ØToprovideadequateenablingenvironmentforcounsellingonstudentto givethembetter career perspective
ØTomaintainadequateobservedinformationonstudentsforfuturereference andquickdecisiontaking.
1.3Â Â Â Â PurposeOf The Study
The purpose of this project work  is to probe into the developing a counsellingsoftware forschoolswitha viewofcreatingawarenessoftheuse computer incounsellingwithdueconsideration ofthisnewtechnology advancement.
1.4 Significance OfThe Study
This study is of numerous important to the guidance and counsellordepartmentandthe societyingeneralindifferentways:
ØItwillhelp the counsellortoalwaysdirectthe studentsintheir bestcareer area withhappinessbecauseitwillbe resultoriented.
Ø  Itwillalsohelptoeliminatethewordfrustrationamongthepeoplewhich isverycommoninthesociety.
Ø  Itwilleaseofthestressofthecounsellorusinghis/herbraintryingtostore information about different students in their large number and each student‟sareaof interesthe/sheisfitfor.
ØUsing an automated system in this situation would be very efficient especiallyininformationstorage.
1.5 Scope/Delimitation Of TheStudy
Thestudycoversthedesignandimplementationofcomputerizedcareerchoice counsellingsysteminsecondaryschools.
1.6Â Constraints/ Limitations
The major constraintsidentifiedinthe course ofthisworkare asfollows:
ØTherearemanysecondaryschoolsinprimitive/ruralareasthathavelittleor notechnologicalfacilitiesintheschool.Implementationofthissystem in suchasituationbecomesaproblem.
ØTheremayalsobestaffintheschoolwhodonothaveknowledgeonproper usageofcomputer.Ifsuchstaffworksintheguidanceandcounsellingunit, itwouldbe cumbersome forhim/hertooperatethe computerizedsystem. Recommendedsolutiontotheseproblemsisthatthereshouldbearoomfor
proper training of personnelwhocannot operatecomputersproperly.Also, governmentshouldhelpprovidetechnologicalfacilitiesinthoseschoolsinthe ruralareasthathavelittle ornolevelof technology.
1.7Â Â Â Definition OfTerms
COUNSELLING:Â Togive advisetoanother
SOCIETY:Thisisanorganizedgroupofpeoplelivingtogetherandhavingthings together
AUTOMATED:Lessindependentofhumandirectionandutilizestechniquesof automation.
PROMPT:Â Tomotivate anaction
SYSTEM:Â Acombinationofpartsorganizedinawholeworkingtogetherto achieve a commonpurpose
PSYCHOLOGY:The studyofmindandit‟sfunction
DATA: This is a raw and unprocessed facts and figures obtained from experiments,research,surveysetc. usedtodevelopsomethingor make decision. RECORD:Â Â Towritedowneventsothatitcanbe remember d
COMPUTER:Â Thisisanelectronicdevicethatacceptrawfactsasdataand processesittogive usefulinformation.
INFORMATION:Data thathasbeenprocessed.
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