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This work focused on effective utilization of ICT in management of public secondary schools in Enugu education zone. The main purpose of this study was to find out the importance of ICT in managing schools, a descriptive survey design was adopted to guide the study. Four research questions were formulated to guide the study and three null hypotheses which were tested at 0.05 level of significance. The population of the study comprised 1903 respondents which comprises   48 principal and 1415 teachers’.   Therefore, 320 were used as a sample size using simple sampling technique. The instrument for data collection was questionnaire. Based on this, the instrument was subjected to face validation with three experts in faculty of Education, two in education administration and planning and one in measurement and evaluation all from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. 20 copies of the instruments were trial tested with result showing, cluster A: 0.64, cluster B:

0.67, cluster C: 0.65, cluster D: 0.67, cluster E: 0.67. The overall result is 0.80 showing that the result is reliable. Data collected were analyzed using mean and standard deviation to answer research questions and the  null hypotheses were tested using t-test at 0.05 level of significance. Findings show that ICT gadgets tape recorder, computers, projections among others help in administrative documentation. It is also the opinion of the respondents that ICT devices need to be

available in schools to enhance information dissemination. It is also posited that ICT gadgets help teachers in their pedagogical skills by enhancing lesson presentation. Students can be given assignment base on ICT devices to help know more about it. It is recommended among others things that ICT facilities should be provided in schools by Government to enable both staff and students make use of them when the need arises. Also, school administrators should be allowed to attend administrative conferences to update their knowledge especially on ICT facilities.




Background of the Study

Globally, the current dispensation of the society is being referred to as an age of technology owing to the increasing technological innovations affecting our social,  political,  economic  and  educational sectors  (UNESCO,  2004).  This  is indeed an advantage, especially in the areas of increased productivity regardless of time and space. UNESCO (2004) maintained that people all over the world have high  hopes  that  new  technologies  will  lead  to  healthier  life,  greater  social freedoms, increased knowledge and  more productive livelihoods. Therefore, it would be generally accepted that the impacts made by technology are the trending path of the world and every facet of the society, including the education sector. Ajayi, (2008) maintained that technology innovation has impacted positively in the lives of individual. Ajayi further suggested that people are not connected technologically in developing nations where technology innovations are lacking. Onwumere (2008) opined that the impact technology has made, information becomes easier especially in the developing nations. This according to Onwumere made information and communication technology important in societal and institutional development.

The word information is derived from the Latin term, ‘informatio’ which expresses an action of to give form to the mind and to instruct (Vigo, 2011). Information according to Ajayi (2008) means stimuli that have meaning in some context for its receiver. Ajayi posited that when information is entered into and stored in a computer, it is generally referred. The author further opined that after processing such as formatting and printing, output data can again be perceived as information. It becomes imperative that for information to achieve its end, there


must  have  been  in  existence  a  source  which  must  have  been  in  an  act  of processing.  That  source  becomes  data  normally referred  to  as  a  raw  product (Floridi, 2010). Therefore, while data produces information, information in turn produces knowledge. Information is more or less a codified matter hinged on a message or some set of observations particularly for the achievement of a purpose. This  is  the  reason why  investigations primarily aim at  the  gathering and  the utilization of information. In such absence, truth, reality and productivity become vague (FRN, 2004). In guaranteeing effective management of institutions, information becomes very vital. Nonetheless, conveying information must go through a medium. Hence, the need for communication.

The word communication has been a contestable term because of its essence in the sustainability of the human race. It is usually said that no man is an island, which implies that interaction among humans and even with other existing living matters is a major feature of the world. Communication is a carrier of information. The word, communication owes its etymology to a Latin word communicare which means to share. Turner & West (2015) communication as   the act of conveying appropriate and intended meaning to another entity through the use of mutually understood signs or semiotics (non-verbal) and lexicons or semantics (verbal). The authors opined that communication is a process that occurs between objects. It is conveyed through mediums such as symbols, words and gadgets. Asiabaka (2010) maintained that the  end product of communication is  understanding, which is evaluated via feedbacks gotten from parties in the communication process. In this context, communication means the act of passing on news from one person to another or from a sender to the receiver to ensure that an organization is moved forward.

Effective communication in an organization remains imperative for its development.  Secondary school as a formal organization improves as a result of

effective circulation of information (Onwumere, 2010). The author posited that school as an organization has varying facets like computers, televisions visual studios among others. These according to  Onwumere will the  organization to disseminate information for the purpose of instruction, sensitization, reporting, and evaluation, informing, educating and measuring responses relating to the activities of the school. Ajayi (2008) suggested that achieving this tend not to be an easy feat, taking into consideration time and space.   The further suggested that the advent of technology has sought to achieve a synchrony as obtained in the nomenclature of Information and Communication Technology.

The word technology is defined in the context of science, craft or skills. It generally refers to better ways of doing things. Specifically, it is seen as knowledge of techniques or processes being confirmed by scientific investigations. It is embedded in machines, computers, devices and factories manned by individuals who master the fundamental knowhow (Ursula, 2007). This definition proves the antecedents to ICT and the series of processes that follow up its utilization. It is in this vein that Adeyemi and Olaleye (2010) maintained that as the world changes, information and knowledge change rapidly and so its access as well. Therefore, it would not be out of place to maintain that development as a product of change is anchored on communicated information that is an antecedent to knowledge which in turn stimulates development. It is important to note that development is partly determined by the ability to establish a synergistic interaction between technological innovation and human contributions (Adomi & Kpangban, 2010). In this context, technology means a branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and  use  of  technical  means  and  their  interrelation with  life,  society,  and  the environment drawing upon such subjects as industries arts, engineering and education.

Information and communication technology (ICT) has been looked differently by  several  scholars,  with a  common position  not  so  far  from the tripartite components of information, communication and technology. Onwumere (2008) defined information and communication technology as the collection, storage, processing, dissemination and  use of information in a  more scientific manner. Onwumere asserted that it confined to hardware and software usage, but acknowledges the importance of man in achieving the ICT objectives.  Oluwarobi (2012) defined ICT as electronic-based technology that is generally used to retrieve store, process, and package information as well as provide access to knowledge. The researcher opined that, information communication technology help managers to access available information that will improve the welfare of the institution. Information  and  communication technology  according  to  Okoji  (2007)  is  the application  of  microcomputers  and  telecommunication technology  to  improve learning process and improve on activities targeted at managing learning processes. Okoji maintained that in the secondary school system, the use of ICT is required to help assess information, retrieve them and store it for subsequent references. In this context, information and communication technology means the role of unified communications and the integration of telecommunications (telephone lines and wireless signals), computers as well as necessary enterprise software, middleware, storage, and audio-visual systems, which enable users to access, store, transmit and manipulate information. These will help to increase the reputation of the secondary education in Nigeria.

The education system of every nation is vital to its development. This is because, development is a human driven objective. These humans must first be educated so as to possess the skills, knowledge and attitude to drive development (Eze and Aja, 2014). The researchers posited that it is in this respect that it is commonly said that education is the bedrock of any nation. This becomes the point

where nations become advance and can compete to any nation (Ogbulogo, Kolawole, Omolara & Iyere, 2012). The researchers suggested that modernized educational  system  is  one  that  provides  for  the  appreciation  and  effective utilization of ICT.

.  Specifically, secondary education in Nigeria  is  education receive after primary school and before tertiary institution. Oboegbulem and Onwurah (2011) defined secondary education a child receives before enrolling into university. The researchers maintained that secondary education is splinted into two; three (3) years  junior  secondary  (JSS)  and  three  (3)  years  senior  secondary  (SSS). Secondary education according to Ani (2008) is divided into two; public secondary and private secondary schools.   Agbo, (2010) stated that in recent years, public secondary schools are also divided into two viz, the one that is funded by and managed by government and the one funded by government and managed by the mission (Enugu state is the example).   Ani (2002) opined that public secondary schools are schools that jointly managed by both the state government and the community. Ani suggested that some communities built schools and allows state government  to  manage  and  fund  them.  Ogbonnaya  (2009)  defined  public secondary schools as schools owned, managed and controlled by the state government. Ogbonnaya opined that community owned schools are regarded as public schools because; it is run and managed by state government where community fails. In this context, public secondary schools are schools that are maintained at public expenses for the education of the children of a community or district and that constitute a part of a system of free public education.

The achievement of the above stated goals is dependent on the extent to which management is effective, with particular attention to information management and effective communication within the school system (Asiabaka,

2010). Management is seen as a group of people or as a team of individual in an

organization who perform specific functions (Mgbodile, 2004). Heinz and Harold (2005) see management as a profession with certain responsibilities like special training, guided by code of conduct with benefits from well spelt out conditions of service. Heinz and Harold maintained that management ensures a life-long vocation/career, permanent membership and possession of self-authority to control admission, recruitment, and training, qualifying examinations, license and certification, standards of practice and retention of members. Ndu and Anagbogu (2007) defined management as an executive function which involves the strategic process of designing and maintaining an environment in which individuals, working together in groups, efficiently accomplish selected aims.

Management  is  a  collaborative  effort  geared  towards  the  utilization  of human and  material resources  for  the  attainment of  organizational objectives. Ogunu (2000) observed that management as a social process is designed to ensure the co-operation, participation, intervention and involvement of others in the effective  achievement  of  a  given  or  predetermined  objectives.  Aguba  (2003) viewed management as the coordination of all the resources of an organization through the process of planning, organizing, directing and controlling in order to attain organizational goals.  It  is  the  process of  designing and  maintaining an environment in which individuals work together efficiently to accomplish selected aims. The effective utilization of human and material resources of an organization promotes co-operation which foster the achievement of results. In this context, management is seen as a process involving the responsibility of getting things done through people and the co-ordination of the resources of an organization in order to attain organizational goals. This involves the organization and mobilization of all human and material resources in a particular system for the achievement of identified objectives.

In  the  management of  the  secondary school  system,  several  factors  of communicational target must be considered. Among which include: the students, general staff, administrative board, Parents Teachers Association, pressure groups and unions, significant governmental agencies and ministries, among others. Thus, management cuts across administration, networking, caregiving and pedagogy. All these tasks are  hinged on communicated information, gathered, processed and utilized through devices that would guarantee safety and also beat the limitations of time and space (Brian, 2009).

Moreover, in an organization especially education, the availability of information and communication technology should be assessed to determine how it affects students’ performance. Therefore, assessment of principals’ quality assurance practices becomes imperative to the school board, teachers, students and the community.    Assessment refers to the wide variety of methods or tools that educators use to evaluate measure and document the academic readiness, learning progress, skill acquisition, or educational needs of students. Banta (2000) define assessment as  the  systematic collection,  review  and  use  of  information about educational programs undertaken for the purpose of improving students’ learning and development. Banta opined that assessment is in different aspect in education; assessment of  students  learning outcomes, assessment of  teachers’  inputs  and assessment of educational managers on their administrative performance. Banta further maintained that principals as among the educational managers should be assessed to ensure that the goals of education which centered on increased students academic performance is achieved. Allen (2004) defined assessment as the use of empirical data on students learning outcome and teachers to refine and improve students’ learning. Allen suggested that, this will be achieved when the principal applied the best managerial capacity to ensure that the best results were attained. Huba and Freed (2000) see assessment as the process of gathering and discussing

information from multiple and diverse sources in order to develop a deep understanding of what students know, understand, and can do with their knowledge as a result of their educational experiences. In this context, assessment means the periodic evaluation of learning outcomes by the principal of the school and proffer solutions to the problem in the system so that the objectives of teaching and learning will be achieved.

Competent circulation of information in tandem with contemporary technological inventions within the school structure would provide for improved instructional materials and pedagogy suited to best technological demands.   It would also improve administrative efficiency and provide for a sustained quality educational process (Eze & Aja, 2014). Therefore, the management of secondary schools in Nigeria entails coordinating all range of activities targeted at improving knowledge, skills, attitudes and logistics that would provide for high quality teaching and learning environment (Adu & Olatundun, 2013). More so, Derbyshire (2003) opines that school administration and management should engage in teaching and learning of ICT related skills for the purpose of enhancing academic activities and school administration.

In  furtherance, the  increasing development of  educational system at  all levels brings  greater demands on educational practitioners such as  curriculum planners, evaluators and teachers in their bid to move along with the information technology of the 21st   century (Adeyemi & Olaleye, 2010). In the absence of information and communication technology, dire consequences in  management inefficiency and  poor  administrative and  academic outcomes. The  researchers further suggested that information and communication technology is vital to management of secondary school system.

The educational system in Nigeria had several policy documents geared toward the integration of ICT in its educational processes. Famous among such is the 1988 policy on computer education, the technological progress clause included in  the  2004  reviewed National Policy on  Education and  the  2001  SchoolNet programme (Oyelekan, 2008;  Adomi  &  Kpangban, 2010). These policies and programmes aimed at building an ICT competent educational system which certainly must have met several challenging factors amidst its success.

Factors that have militated against the effectiveness of ICT in the management of  our  secondary schools  were  listed  by  Aduwa-Ogiegbaen and Iyamu, (2005) to include among others: funding, weak infrastructure, lack of skills, lack of relevant software and limited access to the Internet. Other factors could include the residency of these schools, computer literacy level of personnel, weak policy implementation of government and among others (Ringim & Kanya, 2013; Oyelekan, 2008).

In Enuge education zone, information and communication technology has not been put in place. This is as a result of administrative inefficiency, lack of comprehensive school data base, lack of ICT knowhow on the parts of teachers, administrators and students, quality digitized record keeping, among others. This problem is well represented in today’s schools that are organized around yesterday’s ideal, yesterday’s needs, and yesterday’s resources, even when the yesterday was in a battered shape. Studies have shown that ICTs are not considered central to the teaching and learning process especially in the developing countries as  most of the  pedagogy, tests, information management and examinations in schools follow traditional paper, pen and pencil method, instead of the use of improved technology. In public schools, these have seemed to be problem that staff and students in public schools cannot have any knowledge about information and

communication technology due to its unavailability in the school.  Base on this, the researcher is interested in assessing the effectiveness of Information and Communication Technology in the management of secondary schools, with reference to Enugu Education Zone.

Statement of the Problem

The world is increasingly becoming a digitized one. This trend is speedily affecting virtually every facet of the human world especially regarding communication and human learning activities. Organizations have so far hinged most  of  their  activities  on  the  gains  of  Information  and  Communication Technology to achieve more efficient administration, wider coverage and knowledge competence. Hence, it is obvious that organizations and institutions that tend not to move in this digitizing trend would be relegated. It is in this vein that secondary schools as institutions of learning must equally adopt the world’s technological trending pattern so as not to be relegated. However, the state of public schools in Nigeria tend to be indifferent regarding technological gains and its influence on overall school performance. This is characterized by administrative inefficiency, lack of comprehensive school data base, lack of ICT knowhow on the parts of teachers, administrators and students, quality digitized record keeping, among  others.  This  lacuna  is  well  represented  in  today’s  schools,  that  are organized around yesterday’s ideal, yesterday’s needs, and yesterday’s resources, even when the yesterday was in a battered shape. Studies have shown that ICTs are not  considered  central  to  the  teaching  and  learning process  especially  in  the developing countries as most of the pedagogy, tests, information management and examinations in schools follow traditional paper, pen and pencil method, instead of the use of improved technology. This misfit becomes a motivation to appraise the

effectiveness of Information and Communication Technology in the management of secondary schools, with reference to Enugu Education Zone.

Purpose of the Study

The general purpose of the study is to appraise the effectiveness of ICT in management of secondary schools in Enugu Education Zone. Specifically, the study sought to:

1.  To ascertain the extent of ICT application in administrative documentation.

2.  To ascertain the extent of ICT usage in information dissemination within the school environment.

3.  To find out the extent teachers’ utilize ICT in pedagogical tasks.

4.  To find out the extent of ICT knowledge acquired by the students

Significance of the Study

The study has both theoretical and practical significance. Theoretically, the study will be anchored on system theory. System theory by the biologist Ludwig von Bertanlaffy (1936) posited that system theory is an integrative theory that attempts to present and operate organization as a unified, purposeful system composed of interrelated part. The activity of any part of an organization affects the activity of every other part. The systems approach in management look at the enterprise as a system and personnel as sub-system. System theory of an organization holds that a manager has to acknowledge that the interrelationship of the different parts of the organization relates with environment for better output.

The relationship of system theory to this study is that adequate availability of information and communication technology in school will enhance efficiency and effectiveness of educational output (students) to the society. Therefore, quality education can only be achieved if school managers apply information and communication technology in management for effective implementation.

Practically, the study was useful to the State Government, Secondary Education

Board, Researchers, Students and Education Planners.

Secondary school management is constitutionally within the legislative list of the State Governments. The State Government could adopt the final product of this work as a working document to understand areas of lapses in the management and  performance of  secondary schools  that  should  be  met  with technological intervention. Therefore, with this work, the government could initiate projects and programmes that would boost the ICT facilities of secondary schools and as well improve the knowledge of the manpower that would be needed to handle these facilities.

The study was of great significance to secondary education board by using this document as a parameter to measure overall outcomes of secondary schools in Enugu Education Zone. This research work will bring to their knowledge causative factors regarding administrative inefficiency and poor academic performances of students.

Finally, the study was a useful resource material to researchers, students and education planners who wish to undertake related studies to this one either in content or in style and to as well recommend intervention strategies to develop and grow ICT involvements in the management of Secondary Schools in Nigeria.

Scope of the Study

The geographical scope of the study covered all secondary schools in Enugu Education Zone. Those eligible for this study are teaching and administrative staff of secondary schools in the zone. The content scope will focus on assessing the effectiveness of the utilization of ICT in the management of secondary schools within  the  zone.  Specifically,  the  study  seeks  to  ascertain the  extent  of  ICT

application in administrative documentation, as well as its usage in information dissemination within the school environs. More so, the study will find out the extent of ICT competence of staff in dealing with their respective tasks and those acquired by the students. Finally, the study will aim at identifying problems in the utilization of ICT in schools and proffer possible solutions to ameliorate identified problems

Research Questions

The following research questions were formulated to guide the study:

1.  To what extent is ICT utilized in administrative documentation in secondary schools in Enugu Education Zone?

2.  To what extent is ICT used in information dissemination within the schools?

3.  To what extent do teachers utilize ICT in pedagogical tasks?

4.  To what extent do the students acquire ICT knowledge?


The following null hypotheses were formulated to guide the study and will be tested at 0.05 level of significance.

Ho1: There is  no significant difference in the  mean ratings of principals and teachers on the extent of ICT application in administrative documentation in secondary schools in Enugu Education Zone.

Ho2: There is no significant difference in the mean ratings of school managements on the extent of ICT application in effective information dissemination in secondary schools in Enugu Education Zone.

Ho3: There is no significant difference in the mean ratings of extent of access to

ICT knowledge on students’ in secondary schools in Enugu Education Zone.

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